What We Did is our weekly roundup of a few of the best photos that have been tagged with #WDDI in the past week on Instagram.
Below are 18 photos from the past seven days of life in Denton, TX featuring flowers, hail, pregnant women in tulips, donut letters, and much more.
If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other awesome photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page.
Got a question about What We Did? Send it to will@wedentondoit.com.
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Worldwide Instameet 15 will take place over this weekend on March 25th and 26th. The annual event, put together by Instagram co-founder and CEO Kevin Systrom, is an opportunity for Instagram-ers and photographers to come together. In order to celebrate, we are getting together with the folks at People of Denton to co-host a Denton Instameet this Saturday at 3pm. Read on for more details!
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Movie Tavern recently completed renovations on their Denton location at University and Hinkle. We wrote extensively about how much we love the newly upgraded space earlier this week. The new state-of-the-art theaters are equipped with "Luxury lounger" seating, great new sound systems, stadium-style seating, and you can even reserve your seat online now! You can read more about our experience at the space (including whether we dug Logan or not) here.
To celebrate their renovations, Movie Tavern has given us five different $25 gift cards to give away to WDDI readers so you can take take yourself and a friend to go check out a movie and pig out on some food and drinks while you enjoy the exploits of Star Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Read on to find out how you can enter!
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Thin Line is the annual Denton festival that features documentary films, live music, and photography. Heck, it is the only festival in Texas to offer all of those things in one neat package. This year marks the event's tenth anniversary and with it come a few changes. For one, this year's festival will take place over five days during the month of April (April 19th - 23rd, to be exact). The music lineup for this year's festival has already been announced and looks to be amazing. 2017 is sure to be the biggest for the festival yet, oh and did we mention that it is free? Yup, all you have to do is register. One thing that has us particularly excited is the recent news that the photography component of Thin Line is expanding in 2017. Read on to find out why we are super pumped about the photography component of this year's Thin Line Fest.
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We’re at it again, folks. Another red-hot top ten list of things you need to get into. We’re looking at you, weekend, and we’ve got you in our sights and we will take you out. A few highlights: take a tour of Denton without having to leave Agua Dulce, enjoy The Princess Bride on the square or help cleanup Denton. The world is your oyster, Denton, and #WDDI is your hashtag. MAKE IT COUNT.
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What would a smarter Denton look like?
UNT College of Information doctoral student Abdulrahman Habib thinks about this question a lot. Imagine being able to monitor your electricity usage in real time, he suggests. What about passing by a construction site and getting a notification on your phone telling you what the construction is for? These are just a couple of the ways that Habib envisions that open data could be used to make Denton a smart city. Open data can “help us learn from real data, not anecdotal evidence” and is “a very good way to engage with the city by not shouting and criticizing,” Habib says.
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Movie Tavern, Denton's premiere location for catching a flick in town, has recently undergone some changes. We stopped by for the opening reception earlier in March to watch a movie and celebrate the remodel. Read about our experience and why you should make a point to check out the remodel for your next vital movie watching session (we've heard good things about Get Out if you're wondering what to see).
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The city of Denton, as great as it may be, is a city full of challenges and obstacles to overcome. Whatever the challenge may be, a large part of what lies ahead for us as a city comes from a vision cast by our leadership - not only in government positions but those around us who are actively engaged citizens. Last night candidates for city council and citizens alike were given the opportunity to pitch their own big ideas for Denton. Read on for our top ten big ideas.
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We spent the better part of Saturday sipping beers from Armadillo Aleworks at Lonestar Taps and Caps and learning all the barbecue secrets we could fit into our brains with the pit masters from Bet the House. After several hours of smoking meats, asking questions about trimming fat, and munching on some of the tastiest brisket we've ever had we figured we'd share our newfound wisdom with you. Read on for 5 things that will make your smoked meats better.
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