Welcome to What We Did, our photo round-up that is posted every Monday morning featuring photos from the past week - and what a week it was. 

The Denton festival season is well underway now, y'all. Thin Line kicked it off in a big way. We aren't sure about y'all, but we had a great time (and we expect you did, too). In the middle of it, we ate way too much food at Juicy Pig so expect a post on that later on this week.

Below, are a bunch of photos tagged with #WDDI on Instagram (from both y'all and We Denton Do It contributors). Check them out for some instant nostalgia from the past week.

If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page where you can follow them and become BFFs. 

Got a question about What We Did? Send it to will@wedentondoit.com

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The last picture in today's What We Did is a fun little lego set on top of a box of Hypnotic Donuts. That got us kinda wanting to see some more Denton scenes in Lego form. We'd love to see your Denton-themed Lego creations. So if you get some free time this week (do people still get that?), borrow your child's blocks (or steal some from a friend's child - not really, though) and bet to building. Share 'em with us on Instagram so we can see your creations!

What We Did is our weekly roundup of photos that WDDI staff and readers have taken over the past seven days. We've got 21 of our favorite images from the past week in Denton, TX below. And what a week it was. Check out photos from these events and more in the posts below.

If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. As always, we're limited in the photos we can post, but we encourage you to search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other awesome photos that get tagged. Oh, and remember that we're teaming up with a bunch of other Denton businesses to show Back to the Future II this Wednesday evening on the courthouse lawn at 7pm. More info here

Got a question about What We Did? Send it to will@wedentondoit.com

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Great Scott! It's finally October, y'all. It's sure as heck time again for another movie night on the courthouse lawn. Last time, we all hunkered down and watched Johnny Depp cut hair, trim hedges, and get a lap dance from a neighbor in the Tim Burton classic, Edward Scissorhands. This time out, we're hitching our wagon to Robert Zemeckis' Delorean with Back to the Future II. Get it down in your calendar ASAP. Wednesday, October 21st, we will be on the courthouse lawn - picnic regalia in tow - ready to get our movie on. 

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