THE DEN10: JULY 5TH 2017

The Fourth was a lot of fun but geez is this hot humidity startin’ to drag it outta ya or what? Just when you think Denton weather can’t get any wackier, Texas just smiles and says, “Hold my Lone Star and watch THIS!” You can still get in on our top picks for “Denton Summertime Fun” or “Kid Camps” and maybe these “Denton Podcasts” to pass time in your cubicle or that dang long drive on the MadMax heckscape called I-35. Regardless, there’s always plenty to do here in the Lil’ D so here are our top picks for keepin’ cool as you stay entertained.

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What We Did is our weekly "slice of life" photo post featuring images that have been tagged with #WDDI in the past week on Instagram. 

Below are 18 photos from the past seven days of life in Denton, TX including opening day at the Denton Community Market, The DIME Store's 4th birthday party, some food-centric celebrations, and a mean-lookin' cat. Also included are photos from the photo booth we helped put together at The DIME Store's birthday celebration featuring a backdrop hand-painted by Shawna Smith. 

If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your Denton images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page where you can follow them and then go comment on a photo from 113 weeks ago. 

P.S. Ya know those three posts we ran on Saturday that got a few people upset (i.e. Morrison's Corn-Kits turning into a vape store)? Yeah, those were all April Fool's pranks. So, you can go ahead and put down your pitchforks and rest easy. Spiral Diner will serve delicious vegan fare. Morrison's Corn-Kits will continue to produce corn bread packets (and more). And LSA will continue to be loud (but not THAT loud). 

Got a question about What We Did? Send it to

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What We Did is our weekly roundup of photos that WDDI staff and readers have taken over the past seven days. We've got a handful of images from the past seven days of life in Denton, TX. And what a week it was. Saturday, alone, was Doctor Who Day, The DIME Store's 2nd birthday, and the opening of the Community Market for this year. And that was just Saturday! Once again, we did go a little bit beyond our self-imposed 20 photos per post rule with this one, but just because there were so many good ones. 

If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page. Have a great week!

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It may have been hot out this weekend - but that didn't keep us from getting out and enjoying the town. We kicked things off by checking out the Monahans and Overseas at Dan's Silverleaf on Thursday night and then checking out First Fridays. We now feel sufficiently ready to take on August. 

Reader Josh Piers (@JoshPiers) shared his photo of Overseas' David Bazan singing at Dan's Silverleaf last Thursday. Did you make it out to the show? What did you think? 

Reader Josh Piers (@JoshPiers) shared his photo of Overseas' David Bazan singing at Dan's Silverleaf last Thursday. Did you make it out to the show? What did you think? 

We checked out the generically-named, Keep It Local fundraiser, at Dan's Silverleaf on Sunday afternoon. 

We checked out the generically-named, Keep It Local fundraiser, at Dan's Silverleaf on Sunday afternoon. 

SCRAP Denton and Spiderweb Salon teamed up for First Friday with a gallery opening and a live performance off the square. 

SCRAP Denton and Spiderweb Salon teamed up for First Friday with a gallery opening and a live performance off the square. 

Reader Sarah Adams (@Sarahanneadams) shared her pic of Dallas Comedy House's Free Improv class in Denton from last week.  

Reader Sarah Adams (@Sarahanneadams) shared her pic of Dallas Comedy House's Free Improv class in Denton from last week.  

Cheese boards from full of local cheeses from Hannah's always make us happy. This one is filled with local goat cheese, a pecan horseradish cheese and plenty of beer bread. 

Cheese boards from full of local cheeses from Hannah's always make us happy. This one is filled with local goat cheese, a pecan horseradish cheese and plenty of beer bread. 

Our local taco faves, La Estrella, were once again out at the Community Market on Saturday. Catch 'em tomorrow at Truckin' Tuesday lunchtime at the downtown DCTA station.  

Our local taco faves, La Estrella, were once again out at the Community Market on Saturday. Catch 'em tomorrow at Truckin' Tuesday lunchtime at the downtown DCTA station.  


New businesses, near-by beaches and punk rock music were all part of What We Did this weekend. What did you do? Remember to throw #WDDI on your 'grams to be included in our weekly post-weekend photo round-up!

Mulberry St. Cantina finally opened their doors. A few of us stopped in for some margaritas after some confusion regarding their hours. We hope to stop by again this week. 

Mulberry St. Cantina finally opened their doors. A few of us stopped in for some margaritas after some confusion regarding their hours. We hope to stop by again this week. 

Mulberry St. Cantina's House Margarita (pictured) cooled us off after work on Friday. We also tried their Organic Margarita.

Mulberry St. Cantina's House Margarita (pictured) cooled us off after work on Friday. We also tried their Organic Margarita.

Besides Happy Campers, another great way to cool down at the Community Market is with one of Pawletta's delicious Mango Pops.

Besides Happy Campers, another great way to cool down at the Community Market is with one of Pawletta's delicious Mango Pops.

Some friends on the square happen to have a '63  Jaguar... you may have seen our own Glen Farris zipping around the square when they gave him the keys last Thursday night... 

Some friends on the square happen to have a '63  Jaguar... you may have seen our own Glen Farris zipping around the square when they gave him the keys last Thursday night... 

We've been spending Sunday's by the lake, with our toes in the sand and a picnic basket full of Community Market goodies. 

We've been spending Sunday's by the lake, with our toes in the sand and a picnic basket full of Community Market goodies. 

Mike Wiebe of the High Tension Wires plays to the crowd at Rubber Gloves

Mike Wiebe of the High Tension Wires plays to the crowd at Rubber Gloves

Birthday Suits, thankfully not in their birthday suits, doing their thing at Rubber Gloves.

Birthday Suits, thankfully not in their birthday suits, doing their thing at Rubber Gloves.

Two legends, Sonny Vincent and Daniel Fried, share the stage at Rubber Gloves

Two legends, Sonny Vincent and Daniel Fried, share the stage at Rubber Gloves