What a lovely, rain-free spring weekend that was. Denton's Redbud Festival seems to be the only festival that seems to be rainproof. We're wondering if the proximity to Arts and Jazz Fest will help to share some water-proofing, but out weather apps are saying otherwise...

This week not only sees storms and Arts & Jazz Fest, but also early voting starts today so go have fun with that. If you're still undecided (or you just enjoy Dan's or local politics), we're hosting a candidate debate tonight at Dan's Silverleaf. 

What We Did is our weekly roundup of a few of the best photos that have been tagged with #WDDI in the past week on Instagram. 

Below are 20 photos from the past seven days of life in Denton, TX. This week we've got scenes from Friday's Kuzuthon at Harvest House, Keep Denton Beautiful's annual Redbud Festival, Bell and Oak's Gathering Day and much more. 

If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other awesome photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page where you can follow them and like all of their images like the creep that you are. 

Got a question about What We Did? Send it to will@wedentondoit.com

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Denton has been food truck friendly for a few years now. Heck, we even have a food truck park now. There are a dozen or so trucks that either are based out of Denton, or make it a point to stop by on a weekly basis. While we don't always get to see every single truck we'd like to, and we haven't seen a night as packed as that food truck festival at the DCTA station a few years ago, we still love having the option around. Tonight, however, there are fourteen trucks visiting various parts of Oak and Austin St. and we're pretty pumped about it. Read on to find out what we're looking forward to eating this evening. Warning, we're going to be eating a lot so get ready now (maybe skip lunch). 

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