What We Did is our weekly roundup of a few recent photos tagged with #WDDI on Instagram. Together, they showcase a lot of the various events going on in Denton. 

This week, we have 18 photos from the past seven days of life in Denton, TX including some Christmas leftovers, folks celebrating the end of 2016, and a man in a pink bunny suit staring at a burger with macaroni and cheese on top. 

If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page where you can follow them and inevitably slide into their DM's. 

Got a question about What We Did? Send it to will@wedentondoit.com

@lsaburger channeling A Christmas Story. 

These are the happy people that were messing up your attempt to back up on Industrial last week. Photo by @sammiewuensche. 

@blondiebot and the new "Chairy Totter" at The Chairy Orchard. 

Christmas may be over, but we're still happy to look at lights on the courthouse. @sarahbethanys

@milpa_denton and a very hip-looking Frenchy in front of their upcoming food truck. 

@wesleyjensenmusic rustic style. 

@cassiearnoldart at the park because it was December but still 70 degrees. 

Dogs celebrate New Year's, too. Photo by @mrhuggins. 

@greatamericanbrewerytour at Lone Star Taps and Caps with a flight. 

@kclose3 and a chicken at Atomic Candy. 

@mevanecek doing New Year's Day up right. 

Santa was busy when he got to 940's. Photo by @bradholt. 

@thepaulbunyan hanging with some birds at West Oak Coffee Bar. 

@mariahmine and some brunch drinks at Harvest House. That shinsen mimosa looks amazing. 

New Christmas tunes at last week's Nerd Nite. Photo by @mo2974. 

@dentontags documents interesting tags around the city of Denton. 

@kkbigley and some Friday nite first-grader skate party vibes. 

@bobhedlund with our favorite sunset shot of last week.