Welcome to What We Did, our photo round-up that is posted every Monday morning featuring photos from the past week.
Over the weekend we said goodbye to Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios, a beloved venue and Denton institution for near two decades. They held a series of packed "Farewell" shows over the past week that saw Denton bands of yesteryear such as Record Hop and Lift to Experience reuniting to take the stage at Gloves one last time.
This week is packed with photos from Rubber Gloves' last week and other images from the past seven days.
If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page where you can follow them or creepily like one of their photos from two years ago.
Got a question about What We Did? Send it to will@wedentondoit.com.
Foursquare claims that Denton has two of the best beer gardens in America with Harvest House and Oak St. Drafthouse and we kinda agree. Here's @drcruz32 and company at East Side, another great Denton hangout.