What We Did is our weekly roundup of a few of our photos that have been tagged with #WDDI recently on Instagram. Together, they give you a great idea of what all has been going on in town over the past week. 

Below are 18 photos from the past seven days of life in Denton, TX including images from Friday's Denton Holiday Lighting Festival, Wassail Weekend, live music, Help-Portrait: Denton, and plenty of other seasonally-appropriate Christmastime photos. 

If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page. 

Got a question about What We Did? Send it to will@wedentondoit.com

This weekend was the Denton Holiday Lighting Festival and Wassail Weekend. While rain put a damper on some of the outside celebrations on Friday evening, we still saw tons of people enjoying the closed off streets and various festivities. That wassail high will really keep ya going. Photo by @peopleofdenton. 

@helpportraitdenton was this past Saturday at Calhoun Middle School. The group offered free professional portraiture (in addition to hair styling and make up) to participants. Here is a photo of all of this year's volunteers. 

Last Thursday, about 200 college students staged a walkout, calling for UNT and TWU to become sanctuary campuses, protecting undocumented immigrants attending the university. You can read more about the event here. Here's a photo of the event from @germantorrestx. 

@jadewinterdays is putting her plethora of pumpkins into good use. 

@too.soon.junior with a somewhat aerial view of Denton. 

Shiny Ribs at Dan's Silverleaf on Friday evening. Photo by @rlmegan. 

@alymstevenson enjoying an Alpine Kiss and an Opera House at Barley and Board last week. Have y'all checked out their new menu yet? 

@breafkast thinks that Denton is looking a bit more like New England right now and we couldn't agree more. 

How Audacity does Christmas. Photo by @seabrookes. 

Christmas-time at Paschall's. Photo by @amyranth13. 

West Oak Coffee Bar celebrated their two year anniversary on Saturday with a gigantic cake made by @ajleaps. Photo of @ajleaps and said cake by @bradholt. 

@therad24 selecting the right tree. 

@feltandfur with @texas_filth at Taps and Caps. Photo by @fussbudgets. 

Big C Christmas caroling during Help-Portrait: Denton on Saturday. Photo by @wedentondoit. 

@heathermount at Avondale Park. 

@the_loverlies playing inside the Denton County Courthouse during the tree lighting on Friday. Photo by wescrawford. Shared by @c3denton. 

@hkgregory with a handmade wreath in the making. 

@liz.wakefield thinks that Christmas-time in Denton is beautiful and we couldn't agree more.