We had one of those "small town" weekends, y'all. You know, the kind where you try to go pick up a few things at Kroger and wind up seeing everyone you know. The kind where you find have a quick conversation with someone and find out that they've dated multiple people you know or - even worse - that they're your long lost brother! Okay, that may be a bit far-fetched, but still. Small town syndrome like whoa. We aren't the only ones that happens to, right? Anyway, in spite of accidentally running into everyone we know this weekend, we still had a great time. Did y'all? It looks like you did. We've got a bunch of photos from the week that was for your visual enjoyment below. Glance through 'em and see all the fun we had and remember to throw #WDDI on your 'grams this week to be included in next week's What We Did.