In Tending Bar, we like to take a moment and get to know those folks behind the counter at your favorite bar, coffee shop, juice bar, or other beverage-making establishment. Afterall, you probably see these friendly faces more often than you'd like to admit and there's a lot more to them than just the way that craft their drinks. Roy Robertson is a barista at Cultivar Coffee. One could easily make the argument that the little shop on Hickory St. inside of a doughnut store serves some of the best coffee in town (definitely top three). Robertson is also a musician (you probably know him best from the recently defunct Denton band Pageantry) and just an all around solid dude. We stopped by Cultivar last week to talk with Robertson and grab a few photos of him at work to document his process. Read on for more...

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Harvest House has been open for about four months now and in that span of time it has quickly become one of Denton's most popular bars. But there's a strange Jekyll and Hyde phenomenon happening at this popular bar and venue that speaks to why the place opens at 10am on weekdays. We spoke with Harvest House's Cafe Manager and juicer of many things, Andie Sterling, about the other half of Harvest House that exists Monday through Friday from 10am - 5pm and why it should possibly be your new daytime hangout. Read on for more...

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In Denton, baristas are everywhere. Take a look to your left, there's probably one there beside you right now. Or even behind you. Watch out! In fact, chances are, you might even be a barista. See what we mean? Who are these people anyway? They are people, after all, real people - with hopes, dreams, and stories. They have more to offer than just your frothy, espresso drinks and iced vanilla mochas. So, that is why we are setting out to learn more about our beloved baristas - to interview them and learn about the people behind the bar. Sure, the coffee you made me today is from the Yirgacheffe region in Ethiopia, but tell me barista, what is your origin?

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