“We’ve found more of a home.”
That’s what Jacki Wilson, co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Upventur had to say about the company’s relocation from Frisco to Denton. Wilson says that Denton has been welcoming and that she appreciates the great energy and vibe that Denton offers.
The tech company relocated from Frisco to Stoke, the city owned co-working space in downtown Denton, earlier this year. Read on to find out how things have been going for them since launching their platform last month!
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Stoke is a co-working and entrepreneurial center in Denton, TX that plays host to a hotbed of some of Denton's most creative folks working in the tech scene. In this collaborative series, we speak with some of they key people that put in work at Stoke. In February, we spoke with President of TechMill and Drupal developer, Kyle Taylor. This month, we pick the two minds behind Shepherd Dog: Brandy Thomas and David Brunow. Shepherd Dog works with small businesses and non-profits to help them with technology services such as websites and app development. We talked with them about items such as working closely with a partner, their favorite small business projects, and whether or not they could win in an arm wrestling match with Kyle Taylor. Read on for more!
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What would a smarter Denton look like?
UNT College of Information doctoral student Abdulrahman Habib thinks about this question a lot. Imagine being able to monitor your electricity usage in real time, he suggests. What about passing by a construction site and getting a notification on your phone telling you what the construction is for? These are just a couple of the ways that Habib envisions that open data could be used to make Denton a smart city. Open data can “help us learn from real data, not anecdotal evidence” and is “a very good way to engage with the city by not shouting and criticizing,” Habib says.
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