Over the past week, we've been picking a few of our "can't miss" shows and events that are a part of this year's Oaktopia festival in Downtown Denton, TX. You can check out our Thursday or Friday coverage for events for those days. Saturday, however, is a beast of a day. Read below to check out Nathan Williams' coverage of what you should check out at Oaktopia this Saturday. 

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Every Monday morning, we take a look at the photos that have been tagged with #WDDI on Instagram and post some of our favorites in a column we call What We Did. We're almost up to 20,000 all time tags of #WDDI since we started this weekly column a in 2013. Believe it or not, but every week there's a bunch of awesome photos that (due to space limitations), we don't get to feature. We highly encourage you to search Instagram for #WDDI to check out all of the tagged photos on Instagram that we are unable to feature.

We love getting to see what everyone is up to in Denton every week. Seeing all of the different stuff everyone is up to always amazes us, and it really helps that you all take such beautiful photos. Click on the images below to be led back to that photographer's Instagram account where you can like their photo(s) or follow them. Stay close to the blog this week, too. We've got some fun stuff in the works that we think you'll really enjoy. Thanks for readin' and taggin'. Have a great week!

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