Over the past week, we've been picking a few of our "can't miss" shows and events that are a part of this year's Oaktopia festival in Downtown Denton, TX. You can check out our Thursday or Friday coverage for events for those days. Saturday, however, is a beast of a day. Read below to check out Nathan Williams' coverage of what you should check out at Oaktopia this Saturday.
Read MoreTHE DEN10: AUGUST 30th
Rumors of the demise of Denton's music scene are greatly exaggerated. In fact, it appears that the sudden changes in the landscape may have given it a good shot in the arm. This weekend marks the start of the highly anticipated UNT Football season, as well. All eyes will be on the new coach to see if he can pull off a few wins for the Mean Green.
Questions, comments, and footballs can be thrown at glen@wedentondoit.com
Read MoreTHE DEN10: AUGUST 3rd
It’s gonna be another scorcher out there this week, y'all. However, that never stopped a true citizen of Denton from getting out and taking on our top-ten, most-likely-to-enrich-your-lives events that we are putting before you this morning. We've got a good variety this week as well. There's comedy, food, music and beer to help round out our list. Get out there and #WDDI your pics for a chance to be featured in our What We Did post Monday morning.
For questions, comments and so forth, email glen@wedentondoit.com.
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It’s that time of year again, y’all. The school doors are fresh with WD-40 and the cars are accidentally turning north onto Elm St. again. School is back in session and with it, a new crop of Dentonites have flooded our city limits. Will these fresh, young faces become lifelong Dentonites or only commute here, never even taking a step onto our town square? Only time will tell, but we’ve decided to do our part to get them to become a part of the former group, by providing them with some insider knowledge on some cool stuff Denton has to offer that would normally take awhile to figure out. It’s time for Secrets of Denton County V: Secrets Strike back...
Read MoreWHAT WE DID: APRIL 20TH 2015
Every Monday morning, we take a look at the photos that have been tagged with #WDDI on Instagram and post some of our favorites in a column we call What We Did. We're almost up to 20,000 all time tags of #WDDI since we started this weekly column a in 2013. Believe it or not, but every week there's a bunch of awesome photos that (due to space limitations), we don't get to feature. We highly encourage you to search Instagram for #WDDI to check out all of the tagged photos on Instagram that we are unable to feature.
We love getting to see what everyone is up to in Denton every week. Seeing all of the different stuff everyone is up to always amazes us, and it really helps that you all take such beautiful photos. Click on the images below to be led back to that photographer's Instagram account where you can like their photo(s) or follow them. Stay close to the blog this week, too. We've got some fun stuff in the works that we think you'll really enjoy. Thanks for readin' and taggin'. Have a great week!
If you haven’t sallied in to NV Cupcakes on Hickory since they moved to 231 W. Hickory St., prepare for a treat of Denton ingenuity. Sharing a space with Sprockets allows the couple behind the Sprokets/NV combo to host dance parties, concerts, and other fun events in town.
Read MoreTHE DEN10: FEBRUARY 4th 2015
It’s another week full of events, openings, readings, and fests in Denton this week. It’s getting hard to pick what the top ten events are every week, but we're pretty sure we nailed it. Have you searched #WDDI on Instagram lately? It’s also full of increasingly great shots of what it is y’all are getting into over the weekend and we're almost to 10,000 all time photos. We live charmed lives. Now if only they’d put the street back where it used to be on Hickory. Rumor is that it will be done in February and lets hope that’s the truth. Get out there, hashtag stuff, and be safe while enjoying the increasingly more pleasant weather.
Questions, comments and good will may be directed via the internet towards glen@wedentondoit.com
Denton cares, y’all. In under ten days, members of our local music scene banded together for the sake of their fellow man, or in this case, fellow woman. A woman that illuminates every room she enters. They came together for Kyndall Ramsey, former Dentonite and forever honorary “Music Mama.”
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