Keep Denton Beautiful's annual Redbud Festival is one of our favorite festivals in Denton. The Arbor Day celebration takes place every year at the Denton Civic Center and features music, classes, environmental information, food, a fashion show and plenty more (did we mention free baby trees?). The award-winning festival is now in its 24th year and keeps getting better and better. One of our favorite aspects of the festival is the TRASHion Fashion program which promotes creative reuse by creating "wearable art" out of materials that would otherwise have been discarded. Read on for more info on Redbud and a preview of this year's TRASHion Fashion designs!
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What We Did is our weekly roundup of a few of the best photos that have been tagged with #WDDI in the past week on Instagram.
Below are 18 photos from the past seven days of life in Denton, TX featuring flowers, hail, pregnant women in tulips, donut letters, and much more.
If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other awesome photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page.
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You've got one week left until Halloween, y'all. That's not long to figure out your costume idea and even less time to figure out a costume for your dog and/or cat. Hop to it, people.
What We Did is our weekly roundup of a few of our photos that have been tagged with #WDDI recently on Instagram. Together, they give you a great idea of what all has been going on in town over the past week.
Below are 18 photos from the past seven days of life in Denton, TX including scenes from Handmade Harvest, Keep Denton Beautiful's annual Tree Giveaway, and some seasonally-appropriate spookiness.
If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Search the hashtag #WDDI to check out a bunch of other great photos of stuff happening in town. You can click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page. Glen doesn't have any photos in this week's batch because he's too chicken to use our hashtag anymore.
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What We Did is our weekly collection of photos that have been tagged with #WDDI on Instagram. This week, we have 18 great photos from the past seven days of life in Denton, TX. Last week the Denton sky was particularly photogenic and you'll see it in the photos below. We're suckers for a nice cloudscape. Additionally, we've got photos of UNT graduation, the Cinco de Mayo Parade, and a ridiculously cute fuzzy chicken.
If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram and check back here next Monday. As always, we're limited in the photos we can post, but we encourage you to search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other awesome photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page.
If you have any questions about What We Did, send them here and have a great week!
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Instead of throwing that cardboard coffee sleeve into the recycling bin, why not wear it as a bracelet or a leg warmer? Sound weird? That's the type of thinking that went into the creation of Denton's Trashion Fashion Program. The award-winning program is now in its fifth year. The City of Denton's Solid Waste and Recycling Department, SCRAP Denton, Keep Denton Beautiful and a few other awesome local organizations use the Trashion Fashion initiative to invite designers of all ages to create clothing (or what they call "wearable art") from materials that would otherwise end up recycled or in a landfill. At the same time, the program also promotes recycling and creative reuse. College fashion design students enter, as well as primary/secondary school students, and adults. Every year, they see designs that really earn that "wearable art" title. This year is one of the most impressive we've seen as far as designs and photography goes. Read on to see a small preview of this year's show.
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What We Did is our weekly roundup of a few of the best photos that have been tagged with #WDDI in the past week on Instagram.
Below are a whole bunch of photos from the past seven days of life in Denton, TX including scenes from opening day at the Denton Community Market, The Dime Store's birthday celebration, late night donuts, murals, and plenty of flowers.
If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other awesome photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page.
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Every Monday, we like to share a few photos from town that have been tagged #WDDI on Instagram (and this time, one that was emailed in - thanks, Emily!). This week, we have 18 great photos that showcase the beginning of spring in Denton.
If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. As always, we're limited in the photos we can post, but we encourage you to search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other awesome photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page.
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Every Monday, we like to share a few photos from town that have been tagged #WDDI on Instagram. This week, we have 19 photos that run the gamut of Denton experiences. We've got live music, film photography hangouts, food, and our favorite purple door. Oh, and dumplings. Because dumplings.
If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. As always, we're limited in the photos we can post, but we encourage you to search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other awesome photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page.
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