You've got one week left until Halloween, y'all. That's not long to figure out your costume idea and even less time to figure out a costume for your dog and/or cat. Hop to it, people. 

What We Did is our weekly roundup of a few of our photos that have been tagged with #WDDI recently on Instagram. Together, they give you a great idea of what all has been going on in town over the past week. 

Below are 18 photos from the past seven days of life in Denton, TX including scenes from Handmade Harvest, Keep Denton Beautiful's annual Tree Giveaway, and some seasonally-appropriate spookiness. 

If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Search the hashtag #WDDI to check out a bunch of other great photos of stuff happening in town. You can click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page. Glen doesn't have any photos in this week's batch because he's too chicken to use our hashtag anymore. 

Got a question about What We Did? Send it to will@wedentondoit.com

This past Saturday was the annual Handmade Harvest put on by the folks at The DIME Store. You can read more about the event from our article on it from last week. Photo of the event at TWU's Hubbard Hall by the one-and-only @zach_ashcraft. 

Saturday was also Keep Denton Beautiful's (@KDBDenton) annual Tree Giveaway. Every year, KDB gives away hundreds of trees to help grow Denton's tree canopy. Here's our Burr Oak that we picked up. Photo by @wedentondoit. 

@murpheyland with a photo what appears to be a helmet-less Iron Man inside a giant mouth at TWU's Boo at the U.  

Doug Burr played St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Friday night. Here's a photo from inside the beautiful church from @brightneighborhood. 

Photo from @saintpatricio. 

@sapphireskys_ at the Flower Mound pumpkin patch's huge chair. 

@ajleaps did a food photo shoot with @bradholt. Photo by @emilyfightscrime. 

We grabbed some pizza and dumplings at Backyard on Bell last week and you can bet we'll be back for more (and possibly some of that Underwood canned wine, too) this week. Photo by @wedentondoit. 

@thepsychogeoff with a photo of Ed Miles behind his drum kit at Dan's Silverleaf. 

@eswayne caught a show inside a towing garage last week. 

@isaacmint in the middle of a ride. 

@justinpeacedfw at the front of The Chairy Orchard. 

Comedians @sarahanneadams and Maggie Rieth Austin making some movie magic in Denton this past weekend. 

@drcruz32 with some great props at a nearby wedding. 

@haleyhomestead with some wee ones and a wee tree. 

@jc_higgins in the process of harvesting at the Handmade Harvest. 

@ainoelisabeth and her new tree from the Denton Community Market. 

Stumbling upon forgotten Ouija boards that people used to summon the Goatman at Old Alton is always fun. Here's one @hutcher found over the weekend.