By Glen Farris
Photo by Dave Koen.
This Saturday, May 10th, the residents of Denton will have an opportunity to exercise one of the greatest rights as Americans we have: the right to choose it’s leaders by vote. The sanctity of the voting booth is a cornerstone of our democracy, it is a right that has been defended and solemnly protected in our country’s 238 year history and yet it’s estimated our voter turnout will be around 5%. If you’ve ever wondered why things are the way they are in Denton, there’s your answer. There are 5% of us deciding our city’s direction and future. In the face of that much disengagement and apathy, We Denton Do It decided to take this challenge head on by providing information and avenues for involvement to our readers.
On February 22nd of last year, we posted the first Mr. Farris Goes To City Hall article. This was a first of a series of posts about the inner workings of our city and was a product of many things. The first and foremost was the belief that citizens should engage their local government if they wanted to see positive change in their city. My ambition was based on serving the community, just as it always has been.
I want the best for our city. I see its potential. My love for my community has compelled me to serve whenever and wherever I was asked and to pitch in wherever needed; to be a part of my community. I saw it as my duty to relay what I had learned through We Denton Do It and thus the possibly prophetic Mr. Farris Goes To City Hall was born.
Running for a public office has been quite an experience. It has been overwhelmingly encouraging to take part in the beautiful mess that is democracy. Whether it’s knocking on doors and driving miles through District 2 to neighborhood meetings or attending the many forums hosted these past few months; it has been an amazing journey and I am humbled by the generosity and support that our campaign has received along the way. In the midst of the hours of work, what kept me pushing to the end was the reminder of why I was running to begin with: because I love my city.
Beyond loving my city and wishing to extend my service, I’ve got some big ideas as well:
- We need healthy neighborhoods and a vibrant downtown. It’s time to look at economic development from all sides and recognize that we need to provide parks, libraries, public art along with higher wage-jobs.
- We need a caring and inclusive community. The doors are open and the table is set for us to prosper and I believe that the only way we can move into the future is together. Let’s move passed the burned bridges and rifts of the past.
- We need increased community engagement. I will continue to encourage this through all means available.
- We need to compete on the national level for jobs, people and investment.
- We need to streamline our developmental code. What we have now is inefficient and if we’re going to encourage economic development we need to be encouraging a culture of customer service with developers.
- We need thoughtful growth. Denton is, without a doubt, going to rapidly grow in the near future, set to double in population by 2030. Let’s be mindful and retain our identity as we grow.
- We need to be a regional and national leader in the areas of tech growth and sustainability. We’ve got the talent and the resources in both these areas, let's take advantage of them.
It is through my service and love of my city that I have proven myself to be a responsible representative with the best interests of the residents of Denton. That’s why I am confidently asking for your support and your vote this Saturday, May 10th. No where else will your voice be louder or more powerful.
A vote for Glen Farris is a vote for Denton.
Polls are open Saturday May 10th from 7AM to 7PM. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO.