“It makes you scroll slow.”
-Lauren Apel on what makes a successful photograph
“These restrooms smell of stale urine and a flavor of Doritos that hasn't been invented yet. We wouldn't want it any other way, though, Rubber Gloves.”
-Us on the best and worst restrooms in town
“Judson is Son-Ju. It’s his name backwards without the ‘d’.”
-Alex Lucas of Chambers on one of his fellow bandmembers nicknames.
“I can make cinnamon rolls blindfolded.”
-Joey Hawkins of Royal's Bagels and City Council
“Ask the sound guy questions about World of Warcraft such as, ‘Does a cylon outrank a White Walker in Cataclysm?’"
-Wiseguy on dealing with soundguys
“Recently [a friend] told me that Denton was the new hot spot for creatives.”
-Valerie Warren on why she brought Authentic Yoga Life to Denton
“We are just a handful of funerals away from being a really amazing city.”
"Caitlin Crawford is incredibly talented at keeping our lips from being chapped, our hands from being cracked, and our faces from looking anything but glowing."
-Us discussing Austin St. Apothecary
“Low Art No Match for High Winds”
-Our headline when the "YOU" part of that art thing fell down from Dan's Silverleaf during this year's 35 Denton.
“...think about temporarily changing the name to ‘THE Mexicana.’”
-Wiseguy giving advice to a local restaurant on how to avoid the festival crowd
“On the docket to be created is a hand-sewn sculpture of a giant hamburger.”
-Courtney Marie on Ana Conner's upcoming art. Wonder if this ever got made.
“Get on it, y’all. We peeked over your shoulder and saw Youtube, not Rails.”
-Us on Denton's tech-heavy population
“I use this ridiculously small 4 haired brush to outline the edges of a sweater, the tip of a dogs nose and everyone’s tiny eyes.”
-local artist Mandy Cave
“Anyone who owns a business in Denton will be the first to tell you that there are some silly rules on the books, whether at the federal, state, or city level.”
-Rachel Aughtry, co-owner of The DIME Store
“There is no other choice for late night tacos but La Estrella. Not only do you get great tacos, you often can pair them with live music from the Super Estrellas and a hug from Gracie.”
-Kevin Roden
“The University of North Texas and Texas Women's University made a joint announcement Monday morning that they would be merging their two colleges together in the coming months.”
-Our April Fool's joke
“We don’t have to demonize big box retailers, but we must support our local businesses so that they can help help keep Denton authentic and independent.”
-Dalton Gregory
“Get off your ass and do some work on something you care about.”
-Josh Berthume
“Heck, the bass-lines and barks here were probably the cause of those little earthquakes DFW has been experiencing over the past year or so.”
-Us on local loud band, Terminator 2
“Subway is about halfway through their construction and will be opening at the bottom of the Texas Building before you know it.”
-What started that whole sign debacle
“I still insist on starting every design with a sketch on paper with a pencil.”
-Sean Starr of Starr Studios
“Wait for the sound of freshly popping kettle corn and then wait in the long line for it. It’s worth it. You can go home and forget about the jazz after that.”
-Us on how to best do the Jazz Fest
“Denton Thrift is hit or miss with their massive clothing selection, but it smells like diapers.”
“Don't be the guy checking the date on his phone when the Mexican cultural festivities roll through downtown this Sunday.”
“Edmond Franklin Bates paints a rosy romantic portrait of a harmonious community that’d make Andy Griffith’s idyllic Mayberry Hulk-out green with envy.”
“Put that in your press and print it.”
-Laura Drapac of Triple Threat Press
“There's the way the sun hits the square in the summer that makes it smell like even the dust is getting a sunburn.”
“They'll be able to accommodate all of those brand new fancy-sch'mancy seats because they will also have a rooftop patio. To get there you'll have to hop up some new stairs designed by UNT students that look like piano keys and make music as you go up.”
-Us getting the scoop about LSA back in May. Where are those musical stairs, by the way?
“I’ve seen some people come in, and think they understand who Dentonites are, and they really don’t.”
-Ken Willis of Beth Marie's
“But it’s also saying you don’t have to fight for this. We’re going to hand this to you. Just be quiet. Don’t drink out of the toilet. You’ll always have a home because I chose you.”
-Tony Ferraro on freedom
“Rusty Taco Denton had the highest grossing opening week of any Rusty taco.”
“Tragically, I think art in many forms has been dominated by men in the past, and seeing proof that this can change in the future is inspiring to me.”
-Connor Wallace of Spiderweb Salon
“We only used four "prop pizzas" during shooting because we knew the editing would be so fast.”
-Eric Michener AKA Fishboy on the creation of a music video
“We’ve lost the tantric-sex factor that made the all-chorus We Will All Be Changed a mainstay on KXT, but retained the harmony-filled “Whoooa” and “Whoooa-oohhh’s” that are so difficult to ignore.”
Our take on Seryn's new song, "Ivory Black," back in July.
“Goldmine BBQ opened their doors at the beginning of the month. We stopped by and tried a few things. We'll do so again and hope to have a review in the future.”
-Hmmm. Intriguing.
“That line references espionage and research into mind control techniques and ESP during the cold war, all of which is now detailed in a new documentary focusing on Uri Geller; bridge is often played in the afternoon; and some may find another’s lips the start of a landslide they can’t see or quite escape.”
-Mike Seman of Shiny Around the Edges on the line “spoon bending, afternoon, sub atomic, landslide lips" from the song "Robinwood Must Burn"
“I've found Denton photographers to be fairly open to share and collaborate with.”
-Photographer Thorpe Griner
“I think the point of Denton is to leave it.”
-Comedian Ron Lechler
"You get me 10,000 volunteers, and we'll make a difference in our schools.”
-The quote reportedly said to Kevin Roden from DISD Superintendent, Jamie Wilson, that begat Mentor Denton.
“Go to house shows. Also, if you decide to host your own house show, talk to your neighbors beforehand and make sure to find the best spot, soundwise, in your humble abode. While we’re on the subject, please try not to make people older than 22 feel “old” at your house show. We’re tired of that.”
-From Secrets of Denton County 3
“It would be in the downtown area for sure, and more than likely on East Oak St. I’ve got a few ideas in mind. Stay tuned…”
-John Williams of ESSC and OSDH&CP
“The “Red Dwarf” pizza at Si’z on Teasley in S. Denton is arguably better than the TV show from which it gains its namesake (and the skutter inside of us loves that show).”
-From our pizza-centered Jive Five column during "Back to School Week"
“People here are passionate, have a thirst for knowledge, and are driven to express themselves creatively. I have no doubt that national recognition is on the horizon for Little D.”
-Joey McClellan from our interview with the folks at Redwood Recording Studio
“Not only did they have the visual appeal of dog food (covered in a syrupy sweet sauce, even), but they weren't even actually burnt ends.”
Haha. That's more like it.
“I like the idea of starting the song off with the bummer of a statement that your youth is not going to last forever, and you are going to get old and die.”
-Kaleo Kaualoku
“Bury a time capsule and then forget to dig it up.”
“Hypnotic Donuts and Cultivar Coffee are teaming up to bring us hand-crafted coffee, tasty donuts, and chicken biscuits. Even better, they're rumored to have hours that keep them open until 2am.”