We wrote about half of a Looking Back at 2016 in Denton post and then deleted it. We can really only write about how much we like Boca 31 and Komodo Loco and dislike construction on University so much before we start to repeat ourselves. Instead, we decided to look forward into the future. What does the near future (nay present) have in store for Denton? We have a few things in mind. Some are a little more realistic than others, but anything can happen, right? Take a look through our predictions for 2017 in the post below and add your own predictions in the comments!
Okay, first off, let's go on a little rant. Chili is not soup. In a recent in-house WDDI discussion on soup, one of our members (who shall remain nameless) suggested a chili and a pot pie for best soup. Neither of those things is a soup. I'm not going to take the time to Google the definition of soup because I'm steadfast in my belief that chili is not soup and no amount of factual-based information could sway me. So shut up about your chilis. I wanna talk soup.
It's cold out y'all. Like frostbite cold. You know what's awesome when it's super cold outside? Putting your pants in the dryer on high for ten minutes and then putting them on. I'm not sure there's a better feeling in life than really hot pants on a really cold morning. But just below that, soup is also really awesome when it's cold outside. So, let's talk about it for a while.
We thought long and hard about what Denton has to offer in terms of soup and came up with a list of five soups that we can honestly recommend to you. Eat 'em while it's still cold. Soup is more difficult during Texas summers.