Today across North Texas, charitable organizations are maximizing donations for North Texas Giving Day. Many will have challenge funds, matching funds and more as they raise the money they need to keep serving our community. All of them will be accepting online donations, so even if you can't make it to the square, you can still donate. Read on to find out a few of our favorite organizations in Denton, and how you can help give back.
We wrote about half of a Looking Back at 2016 in Denton post and then deleted it. We can really only write about how much we like Boca 31 and Komodo Loco and dislike construction on University so much before we start to repeat ourselves. Instead, we decided to look forward into the future. What does the near future (nay present) have in store for Denton? We have a few things in mind. Some are a little more realistic than others, but anything can happen, right? Take a look through our predictions for 2017 in the post below and add your own predictions in the comments!
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