Aside from awesome things like coffin races, October also brings its fair share of mythical beings to town. While we haven't seen any yetis, we have seen a white deer and we expect to be overrun by all sorts of interesting creatures demanding candy and treats later on this week. After the appearance by a white stag earlier this month a reader wrote in to us under the nom de plume J. Wilgus Eberly with anticipation of what his appearance would soon bring. Oh, also narwhals because why not? Read on for more...
The White Stag has appeared in Denton, and some hope it may signal the return of fantastical creatures to this land.
The ancient ones tell of a time when magical animals were a common sight in Denton. These grey-bearded prophets were here as long ago as the mid ‘90s. They rented movies from Pay Less and ate pizza at The Flying Tomato. They endured decades without craft coffee and high-end donuts. But while they lacked specialty breakfast items, they were daily in the company of whimsical beasts.
Most believed that the owls of Eureka Park, the jaguars of Southridge, and the narwhals of North Lakes all fled at the rumors of a CVS on Fry Street. But some still clung to hope. They allowed themselves to believe that the animals would again emerge, and they took heart every time they heard news that the white squirrels were increasing in number.
Surely his presence is a clear indication that Denton’s enchanted menagerie will soon return.
Many years have passed, and even the most optimistic among us were beginning to lose hope. But then, at our darkest hour, we heard the rumor. The Quakertown Fox had returned to Denton. This bushy-tailed fellow was seen walking the pathways, singing with children, and swapping stories with the hobos. With his arrival we began to hope again.
The Burning Tree Bobcat making an appearance in North Denton.
An artist's rendering of a Unicorn on Mr. Frosty's AKA something that we may see soon in Denton.
It seemed that no sooner had the Quakertown Fox reappeared than his old nemesis, the Burning Tree Bobcat began lurking nearby. Many a house cat has already fallen victim to his fury, and it is rumored that even much fiercer creatures are in danger. But though we may fear the wrath of this scoundrel, his presence is yet an encouraging sign.
While the white squirrels, the Quakertown Fox, and the Burning Tree Bobcat are all promising indications, nothing could cause such jubilation as the recent news that the White Stag has returned to Denton. Surely his presence is a clear indication that Denton’s enchanted menagerie will soon return. Perhaps we will even live to see Brave Combo once again striding colossally up Locust Street upon their mighty hippos.