Words by Naomi Wood, Photography by Wesley Kirk

Every once in a while, we like to interview a various folks in town that are of interest to us and probably you. They might be kinda weird, kinda funny, or just someone we ran into on the street. We take some photos, ask 'em some questions, and there you have it. It's People of Denton.

Hannah Fancher is a 22-year-old, born and bred Dentonite who happens to be head nurse at an allergy clinic in Denton, as well. Ironically she’s also a cat enthusiast who’s allergic to cats. Despite the allergies, Hannah has found an interesting way around her dilemma by raising, loving, and showing not-so-furry felines. We met up with Hannah and her sweet sphinx’s to get a sneak peak into her peculiar cat hobby.

WDDI: How did this happen to you? How did you become a hairless cat show lady?

Hannah Fancher​: My sister had a hairless cat, and she started showing her at competitions in the area, and I just started going with her. I liked it, and I really got into it too. I realized that I really liked raising and selling quality cats to responsible pet owners, it makes me feel good to know that I’m giving a cat to someone who wants to have a good pet. Now my sister and I are able to breed our cats together and since we’re both really introverted people, we’ve bonded with each other and with the cat community.

Where can you go to a cat show in the area?

Oh there are lots of cat shows. There’s some really good ones in Dallas, and we travel all over the country to show our cats. Mine have won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in the country, and internationally.


Have you always been into cats?

I’ve always loved animals, but I’m allergic to the furry ones. I was a halfway heart foster parent for a few years, but would always suffer and get sick around them. I’m also an advocate for rescue animals, and have experience working with responsible breeders. It’s really just come full circle for me , and sphinx's are great for people like me, who just can’t handle dander. These cats are also the most loveable things in the world, and need so much attention and affection. I love that about them.


Why is your cat wearing a leopard diaper?

Smells are really bad with male cats. They tend to mark on things.

Do you name all of your cats?

Oh yeah. We just have to have the goofiest names. Like, Walter White, Mustachio, and of course In-furr-no.


We see you have a new litter of kittens. How often do you breed your female cats?

I try to be as ethical as possible with my cats, so I only let the females have one litter per year. I also only let one litter happen per season, so I have time to care for them, and sell them to responsible pet owners. I would never sell a kitten that wasn’t spayed or neutered, because I want these cats to be good pets, not breeding machines. I also buy cats from Russia and Ukraine (where they are native) and I try to keep the gene pool as pure as possible to help eliminate bad traits.

SPONSOR: Twisted Bodies PIlates & Yoga on South Elm by Bet the House. 

SPONSOR: Twisted Bodies PIlates & Yoga on South Elm by Bet the House. 


Are there cat shows like the dog shows on TV?

No, cats can’t and won’t do tricks. They are mostly shown based on their muscular tone, weight, height, etc… mostly like they do at livestock shows. But I will say that they have to be friendly enough to be handled by strangers, because no one likes a biter.


What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen at a cat show?

I saw someone go into complete anaphylactic shock after medication was given for a cat bite. This is the same show where seven different people got bit by the same cat. Cats aren’t like dogs at all. They get anxious, and can be moody and unpredictable, so you have to be careful with cats that aren’t cut out to be in the spotlight.


What’s a major misconception people have about hairless cats?

Most people think they are ugly, moody, or scary. I guarantee that you’ll never find a friendlier feline than from these guys. They’re nice to pet too, because their skin feels like velvet. They are so emotional and loveable. They really do grow on you.

For more hairless cat goodness, you can check out Hannah’s website here

This column as part of a new ongoing partnership with Wesley Kirk's People of Denton project. Check out for more.

