This weekend was one for the books. Late nights full of drinks, oysters with friends, beignets and lattes midday, free coffee pour-overs by Cultivar Coffee at our favorite used book store, and generally trying to enjoy every ounce of less than 95 degree weather while it lasted (oh, and other non-food stuff, too). According to your pictures, y'all had some fun this weekend, too.
As always, thanks for sharing your weekend with us and keep on tagging those 'grams with #wddi! Click on the photos, themselves, to be linked back to the photographer's Instagram account.
Soft pillows of beignet goodness at Hoochie's have our mouths watering day and night. Thank goodness they're available first thing in the morning and late into the evening.
Did you make it out to DIME's First Friday lemonade stand-off? We sure did, and really enjoyed the local handmade awesomeness, building a succulent and the tasty lemonade. Which was your favorite?
Queenie's brunch donuts, covered in salted caramel. They come in a brown paper bag for shaking which immediately turns translucent by way of delicious grease.
More mimosas please! We dig the fancy pants, pulpy brunch staple at Queenie's brunch which comes complimentary.
Can't wait for our friends at Cultivar Coffee to get into their new space. In the mean time their Saturday morning pours at Recycled are getting us pumped up for their opening with Hypnotic Donuts in about two weeks. Hope to have more info on that soon!