THE DEN10: MAY 21st

Glen Farris

Memorial Day is the official kick-off to the best Summer of your life. It’s wrought with possibility, new friends, new adventures, trips to the beach, sailboats, and “mussel Mondays.” It’s the perfect time to get out there, judge a chili cook off, play some baseball, and meet your new BFF’s. There's plenty of stuff going on. Go do something before it's 110 outside. Make sure to #WDDI the good ones.

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Wednesday, May 21st
OpenHack | May | Banter | 6PM
Here’s where it’s happening in Denton’s tech-scene. Code on anything with like minded folks over at Banter this evening and get your OpenHack on. There has been lots of momentum in the local tech scene in the past few days, so there will be much to talk about. 

Zach Nytomt / Christian Lee Hudson / Raised Right Men | Dan’s Silverleaf | 8PM | $7

Thursday, May 22nd
May Green Drinks | East Side (S.C) | 5PM
Co-sponsored by the Denton County Cross Timbers Sierra Club, meet up and network with people working and studying to promote environmental and sustainable topics all while drinking some delicious alcoholic beverages. 

Twilight Tunes: Texas Singer Songwriters | Courthouse Lawn | 6:30
Have y'all made it out to Twilight Tunes yet? We're a month in to this year's season and it's been a blast every time. Go hang outside, bring your dog or kid (not both) and listen to some good tunes while you enjoy a cold one or glass of wine. The weather is perfect for this right now and the glaring sun tucks behind the Texas Building a little after seven. 

Friday, May 23rd
Ten Hands / Daphne Willis | Dan’s Silverleaf 
Paul Slavens and company in what is always a surefire good show. 

Saturday, May 24th
The O’s / Daniel Markham | Dan’s Silverleaf | 9PM | $7

Nervous Curtains / Videoing / Cereboso | Macaroni Island | FREE

The Bonnies | Banter | 8PM | FREE

Sunday, May 25th
Golden Jesus Chili Cookoff | 904 Bolivar | 12-8PM
The quest for the Golden Jesus has begun and will end with the most harsh judging Denton County can muster 7PM this Sunday. It’s a great way to kick off the Summer and use your leftover Pepto Bismol. 

Monday, May 26th
Dylanfest 2014 | Dan’s Silverleaf | 5PM
Another Denton Memorial Day tradition and another great way to kick off the Summer. This one features lots of Bob Dylan covers and benefits Instruments of Change.