Another week, another set of beautiful pictures. If after civilization ends, the world were to be judged by the photos that get tagged #WDDI, whomever would be looking at the photos would think we were a bunch of taco-eating beautiful people who worshiped goats, cats and the sky. That makes us happier than anything else could this morning. Have a great week, y'all. Remember that we're showing Fantastic Mr. Fox on the courthouse lawn Tuesday evening at 8pm. Tag your photos this week with #WDDI to get included in next week's What We Did.
Goats are definitely an acceptable pet in the land of Denton... don't worry @jadewintersee - we don't think you're crazy.
Midlake showed some folks in Europe how Texans dominate at bball. Photo by @mccjoey.
One of our favorite local designers is about to debut a new collection. Photo by @madelinewoodapparel. You can purchase her work at The DIME Store.
One of our favorite murals in town. Photo by Zach Ashcraft.
We agree with @thedapperbat. Sundays really are best spend on the patio at Dan's listening to local jam kings, Hares on the Mountain.
No green beer last week. Photo by @Veeveemarie.
Stephen Masker telling a bad joke at a photography club meeting at Paschall's. Photo by Shaina Sheaff.
Oh yeah. We're still doing this with Collage tomorrow at 8pm. Come hang out!
Rodney Parker + Co atop LSA. Photo by Shaina Sheaff.
Dan's Patio is the best in the spring. Savage and the Big Beat make it even better. Photo by Paige Gibson.
There's always something fun to play with at Denton Camera Exchange. Photo by Zach Ashcraft.
Woody's Rampage played Mulberry St. Cantina last week.
The Waffle Wagon was outside of Mulberry St. Cantina on Sunday offering up $2 "You Call Its," which is our favorite type of waffle...and now our favorite side to accompany a margarita.
Uno at Mulberry St. Cantina.
3P challenge! Photo by @DentonParks.
Zach Ashcraft's dueling skies.
Bountiful Baskets. Photo by @HollyinTexas.
The never ending drinking Santa... should we just start considering this a piece of public art? Or does the Industrial Street Guild just wish it was Christmas all year round? Maybe add an Uncle Sam, an Easter bunny, and a Turkey to it and it can incorporate all holidays. Photo from @thepaigels.
A little sticker bombing is just part of the local music culture. Thanks for catching the action @sundayprintshop! And catch a Dome Dwellers show whenever y'all have a chance, readers.
More Waffle Wagon outside of Mulberry St. Cantina which was a popular venue the past week. @MulstCantina.
Saturday was a little overcast, but Sunday was nice enough to throw some meat on the grill. No taco photos this week, y'all. Where ya at, Denton? Was it not a taco-appropriate week?