So while we perused  Vice's record reviews for this month, getting ideas of who to interview and who to book(sorry other blogs, we do this all time); we came upon a little write up that peaked our interest.  This review talked about a record that focuses on a time "when “being in a band” meant you looked like a long-haired roustabout in your 30s and sang lite-bluesy Bread-esque odes to buying a house/having a kid/cheating on your old lady that sound like they were recorded in a jam session where everybody was sitting on their amps."  Now if that doesn't spark your interest, I don't know what will.  We all spent time in our Dad's '85 Honda Accord driving around and having him explain what a 'toke' was, listening to KZPS, and eating combination burritos.  

This compilation speaks a certain part of our lives.  Local Customs: Lone Star Lowlands chronicles a period "long after the Bopper's plane crashed and the Winter brothers (Johnny and Edgar) and Janis Joplin split". A time when "Texas' Golden Triangle was home to a vibrant scene of musicians, songwriters, and entrepreneurs just trying to make it in Houston, let alone the world."  Rob Sevier, the man responsible for the research and archival of this material, sat down with us on Tuesday and talked a little about the goals of the Local Customs series, the 70's, the importance of capturing a local scene, and liberal capitalism.  Get the podcast, share it with your pops over a cold one, and have a great weekend.  Maybe he'll talk to you about that time he and your mom 'T.C.B.''d on a 'stone groove' with a 'system'. 



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