A city council election is upon us once again. We've had plenty to say in the past, but let's get real, not enough of us vote in this election even though it is one of the most important to our daily lives. As if the voter turnout wasn't bad enough in other elections, it's basically non-existent in municipal elections. Read on for a break down of what you need to do to get up, get out, and be a good citizen in the next two weeks.
Okay, Denton, many complaints are made about how few of us actually vote in local elections. When averaged out, voter age is above the age most movie theaters set for a discount. We’re collectively younger than that, Denton. It’s time to get up, put your craft beer down, and just go vote. Vote Denton has an interesting stat on their site that says only 4,000 out of 115,000 Dentonites vote in city elections, and the sad part about that is that these are the elections that count the most. No matter where you live in the City of Denton, it is important that you get down to the polls to cast your ballot. If you live in districts 1, 3, or 4, you have an important decision to be made about who you want to represent you on the Denton City Council. And if you don't, there's still plenty of reason to get down to the voting booth. We've got three candidates also vying for school board positions, and with all of the hullabaloo about public education, we need to make sure our students are being protected by a sound school board. Additionally, you need to make sure to cast your vote on the proposed tax freeze for those aged 65 and over. You can read more about that ever-so-important issue here.
Vote early! This week is early voting which means you can skip the (unlikely) lines and hop on over during your lunch break in order to get your “I Voted” sticker before anyone else does. Early voting days are April 24 - May 2. We've listed the early voting sites at the bottom - so you don't get confused and head into the wrong city building. Mark your calendars, get informed, watch through some live feed of past forums and get your civic duty on!
Check out VoteDenton.org or The League of Women Voter’s of Denton website if you're unsure of how to vote, what the candidates believe about the issues, or where to go on the May 6th voting day. Some really talented people compiled all of the info you really need to know and made it easy for you to figure out which district you live in, who is running, and whether or not you’re already registered. Also, make sure you read through the Official Unofficial Guide to the City Council Election that we put out a few weeks ago or read through a few of our favorite responses from the City Council Candidate forum.
Vote today Saturday, May 6th before 7pm. Not sure where to vote or what you need? Click here.