Last Friday evening, we held a pool party / cannonball contest at Denton's Civic Center Pool to raise funds for the Denton Parks Foundation. This weekend was not only the last weekend of the season for the pool to be open, but also the very last weekend of all time for the diving board. The pool will be renovated this year and the new plans do not accommodate a diving board. To give it a proper sendoff, we planned a cannonball contest. The event saw folks of all ages swing by to see how big of a splash they could make (both literally and figuratively) and it quickly devolved from cannonballs to jack knifes and belly flops. By the end of the night we were able to raise almost $600 for the Denton Parks Foundation. The money will go towards the Eureka 2 project which you can read more about here. Below are a few pics from the festivities on Friday evening.
The diving board in question with a cannonball splash in the background.
Joey Hawkins, Amber Briggle, and Glen Farris and their respective "game faces."
Alyssa Stevenson, Danielle Marie Longueville and Jessica Milne.
Some cannonballers had special "sponsors."
Some of the younger cannonballers were the best ones.
Kevin Roden belly flopping.
The event pitted the young against the old - very, very, very old (Glen is like 52 or something, y'all).
While we did give our scores, we didn't necessarily keep track of them. That said, Owen Nichelson was probably the winner.
Jack knife!
Anyah Martinez posing before a cannonball.
Joey Hawkins had some interesting sponsors.
We tried to come up with some pun involving a "splash," but it kept being really, really awful - too awful to even type. So now you're left with nothing.