You're either reading this in the middle of class, at home exhausted after your first day back, or at your job being a real life human being. Either way, we hope your day is a good one. It's officially Back to School Week at We Denton Do It again and we've got some fun stuff planned (including some more secrets). 

What We Did is our weekly roundup of photos that WDDI staff and readers have taken over the past seven days. We've got nineteen of our favorite images from the past week in Denton, TX below. In this group, we've got plenty of scenes from the North Texas State Fair along with plenty of other views of different events in town. 

If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. As always, we're limited in the photos we can post, but we encourage you to search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other awesome photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page. Have a great week!

Got a question about What We Did? Send it to will@wedentondoit.com

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You don't get too many opportunities to re-imagine an abandoned part of a city. Especially in such a major way as we were able to this weekend with Better Block Denton. It was a full-on community effort of volunteers, activists, neighborhood folks, and just good hearted people who want to see the best in their community stand out and shine. Of course, it was led by Jason Roberts who has done the same for many areas that have gone on to keep up some of the playfulness that Better Block brought. We'll have a more major re-cap on all of that action later (y'all took too many photos of it to fit 'em all in What We Did), but for now we just wanted to say that we had an absolute blast watching kids splash around, pups sniff out all-natural treats, librarians hold storytime, and so much more. 

Beyond that, this past week saw some great shows, some fun storms and plenty of tacos. Thanks for showing off how you enjoyed this past week by tagging your 'grams with #WDDI. Party on, Denton! 

Better Block was such a fun time and we received so many photos, it's gonna get its own post later on today. Until then, here's a pic of idea-man, Jason Roberts in front of the splash park. 

Better Block was such a fun time and we received so many photos, it's gonna get its own post later on today. Until then, here's a pic of idea-man, Jason Roberts in front of the splash park. 

Metal only? Metal forever. Photo courtesy of @colinxlassiter. 

Metal only? Metal forever. Photo courtesy of @colinxlassiter. 

Hey @kscottt. Nice job double fisting ice cream. These look like a few of our favorite things too! 

Hey @kscottt. Nice job double fisting ice cream. These look like a few of our favorite things too! 

The Patio - the new addition to the back of Wine Squared just made sipping merlots all summer long way more awesome. Good thing @glenfarris was there to test it out. 

The Patio - the new addition to the back of Wine Squared just made sipping merlots all summer long way more awesome. Good thing @glenfarris was there to test it out. 

The Forge at the North Branch Library was full of kiddos learning to use Tindercad so they could print their own 3D images. Man, that place is rockin' it lately! Way to go @dentonpubliclibrary! 

The Forge at the North Branch Library was full of kiddos learning to use Tindercad so they could print their own 3D images. Man, that place is rockin' it lately! Way to go @dentonpubliclibrary

If you explore and keep an open eye, you can find lots of beautiful spaces around Denton. This is just one of the many. 

If you explore and keep an open eye, you can find lots of beautiful spaces around Denton. This is just one of the many. 

Slide time at the waterpark! This water-filled action was brought to you by @katiekernan. 

Slide time at the waterpark! This water-filled action was brought to you by @katiekernan

Hibiscus mimosa is best enjoyed brunchfully by @raeganmcadams. 

Hibiscus mimosa is best enjoyed brunchfully by @raeganmcadams. 

Summer breeze makes us feel fine. Thanks for catching this angle @jocsanl! 

Summer breeze makes us feel fine. Thanks for catching this angle @jocsanl

@andyo7 got some quality hang-time with The Mountain Goats when they were in town last week looking for our best-ever metal band. 

@andyo7 got some quality hang-time with The Mountain Goats when they were in town last week looking for our best-ever metal band. 

Inaugural ice-cream cone of the summer. @archerplushare celebrates summer in tradition with her youngin'. 

Inaugural ice-cream cone of the summer. @archerplushare celebrates summer in tradition with her youngin'. 

Slip-N-Slide as part of a weekend booze and cruise? Sounds like a block party we'd be into. Thanks for sharing @katie_reese! 

Slip-N-Slide as part of a weekend booze and cruise? Sounds like a block party we'd be into. Thanks for sharing @katie_reese

Quality street art is all around. Photo by @thepaigels. Wonder how long this one will be up. 

Quality street art is all around. Photo by @thepaigels. Wonder how long this one will be up. 

You really just can't beat Texas summer skies. Trinity Industries makes those clouds look even better. Clouds captured by @rowdybridges.  

You really just can't beat Texas summer skies. Trinity Industries makes those clouds look even better. Clouds captured by @rowdybridges.  

@amelian_dollars reppin' North Texas in the Guard Games! If you don't win, we'll be sad. 

@amelian_dollars reppin' North Texas in the Guard Games! If you don't win, we'll be sad. 

Families, picnics and s'mores at the city-sponsored outdoor movie night from last week. This was before the sound issues, of course. But when you're watching The Lego Movie, it's hard to be mad. 

Families, picnics and s'mores at the city-sponsored outdoor movie night from last week. This was before the sound issues, of course. But when you're watching The Lego Movie, it's hard to be mad. 


@thepaigels snapped this adorable pup in a hat. You know how they say you eventually grow to look like your spouse? This is like that, but with German Shepherds and hats. 

@thepaigels snapped this adorable pup in a hat. You know how they say you eventually grow to look like your spouse? This is like that, but with German Shepherds and hats. 

Bet the House continually sold out ever day again last week. Keep it up, fellas. Y'all give it a shot yet? 

Bet the House continually sold out ever day again last week. Keep it up, fellas. Y'all give it a shot yet? 

Local artist-person, , is getting all kinds of floral this summer, and we absolutely love it. 

Local artist-person, , is getting all kinds of floral this summer, and we absolutely love it. 

@jadewintersee hopes your weekend is as "udderly wonderful" as hers is. Did your weekend include milking goats, too? 

@jadewintersee hopes your weekend is as "udderly wonderful" as hers is. Did your weekend include milking goats, too? 

voltREvolt had a benefit for their kickstarter for their new album at Paschall Bar last week. Enchanting everyone in the room with their groovy sound. Heard by @discoverdenton. 

voltREvolt had a benefit for their kickstarter for their new album at Paschall Bar last week. Enchanting everyone in the room with their groovy sound. Heard by @discoverdenton

A close up of the crooners by @carriecrumbley. 

A close up of the crooners by @carriecrumbley

Roasting marshmallows outside of the civic center. This photo does not represent the jerk kid that kept lighting a stick (without a 'mallow) on fire and poking people. Stupid jerk kid. 

Roasting marshmallows outside of the civic center. This photo does not represent the jerk kid that kept lighting a stick (without a 'mallow) on fire and poking people. Stupid jerk kid. 

The peach tea from Kaleo makes the summer heat much more bearable. Here's an unpopular opinions: Kaleo has gone on to become the best boba shop in town. Argue in the comments. 

The peach tea from Kaleo makes the summer heat much more bearable. Here's an unpopular opinions: Kaleo has gone on to become the best boba shop in town. Argue in the comments. 

@mbryceo is pumped that he is ushering in his 30's by becoming Frenchy Famous. (Editor's Note: Really wish it was Frenchie Famous). 

@mbryceo is pumped that he is ushering in his 30's by becoming Frenchy Famous. (Editor's Note: Really wish it was Frenchie Famous). 

Craft beer love by @craftbeerg! 

Craft beer love by @craftbeerg

@fineartstheaterdenton was watching those storms roll in from the rooftop. Also, how the hell do all of you have so much damned roof access in this town? Rappelling? 

@fineartstheaterdenton was watching those storms roll in from the rooftop. Also, how the hell do all of you have so much damned roof access in this town? Rappelling? 

... and we're finally back to taco photo finishes. @shainasheaffphoto knows how to really get down on some tacos and now we'll stop being mad at her for not taking taco pics. 

... and we're finally back to taco photo finishes. @shainasheaffphoto knows how to really get down on some tacos and now we'll stop being mad at her for not taking taco pics. 


The weekend was jam packed with sunshine, fun, and plenty tacos. (In fact, we're continuing that taco consortium today. It is Cinco de Mayo, after all.) Between the Cinco De Mayo parade, Free Comic Book Day, the DIME Store Sidewalk Sale, the Mudbug Boil, and general good vibes and good times we are pooped. What We Did does it's best to capture what it's like to live in Denton for a week. At least, that was the idea we had when we started it last summer. We think it does a pretty danged good job of representing Denton from all of the different perspectives that live inside. 

Thanks for keeping us in your loop, y'all. Tag your pics and 'grams with #WDDI and share with us what you're up to! Have a great week, everybody!

The Denton Cinco de Mayo festival/parade often gets overlooked in the shadow of Arts and Jazz fest, but it really is a hell of a good time. Photo by @veronica_n_denton. 

The Denton Cinco de Mayo festival/parade often gets overlooked in the shadow of Arts and Jazz fest, but it really is a hell of a good time. Photo by @veronica_n_denton


@michagb86 snapped a shot of this little fledgling who decided to hang out on a friend's crotch during a picnic on the square. The birds on the courthouse lawn have gotten a little too friendly. 

@michagb86 snapped a shot of this little fledgling who decided to hang out on a friend's crotch during a picnic on the square. The birds on the courthouse lawn have gotten a little too friendly. 

@besely and the Beer Drinkers Society supported their favorite candidate for the current city council election. 

@besely and the Beer Drinkers Society supported their favorite candidate for the current city council election. 

Damn that's a good-lookin' dog mug. @hkgregory did a little chilling on the courthouse lawn with her furry little friend. 

Damn that's a good-lookin' dog mug. @hkgregory did a little chilling on the courthouse lawn with her furry little friend. 

@jocsanl made sure that the courthouse was well documented this weekend. This part is still there. VSCO or no? 

@jocsanl made sure that the courthouse was well documented this weekend. This part is still there. VSCO or no? 

@siesiesierra enjoyed her first snow cones of the season - one of our favorite firsts of the year. One of which is possibly topped with Gummy Bears which we think we approve of. 

@siesiesierra enjoyed her first snow cones of the season - one of our favorite firsts of the year. One of which is possibly topped with Gummy Bears which we think we approve of. 

Free Comic Book Day was awesome once again. @mkernan made sure to document the ever growing line at More Comics Fun and Games for Free Comic Book Day when he randomly stumbled across it, trying to purchase someone a gift. 

Free Comic Book Day was awesome once again. @mkernan made sure to document the ever growing line at More Comics Fun and Games for Free Comic Book Day when he randomly stumbled across it, trying to purchase someone a gift. 

@thedapperbat got his nerd on with some Green Lantern ice cream from Beth Marie's during Free Comic Book Day! 

@thedapperbat got his nerd on with some Green Lantern ice cream from Beth Marie's during Free Comic Book Day! 

@taylorbunch_ made sure to stay well refreshed while hanging in the sun and enjoying the first glimpse of summer. 

@taylorbunch_ made sure to stay well refreshed while hanging in the sun and enjoying the first glimpse of summer. 

@shainasheaffphoto had the pleasure of documenting Two O' Clock jazz band during a recording session. 

@shainasheaffphoto had the pleasure of documenting Two O' Clock jazz band during a recording session. 

@madammcclain caught a shot of one of our favorite 'book nooks' at Recycled. This is not a good place for a square wide game of hide and go seek, FYI. 

@madammcclain caught a shot of one of our favorite 'book nooks' at Recycled. This is not a good place for a square wide game of hide and go seek, FYI. 

@divagirlellie snapped a shot of this fun bug hanging off the square. 

@divagirlellie snapped a shot of this fun bug hanging off the square. 


Saturday afternoon, a bunch of folk convened and ate some crustaceans that kinda looked like bugs. Did the suck the head? Some may have. Either way. It was tasty. 

@digijordan  catchin' some screen printing action. 

@digijordan  catchin' some screen printing action. 

@hollyintexas knows the best baked goods are happening at Ravelin bakery. We support her choice in quality french pastry. 

@hollyintexas knows the best baked goods are happening at Ravelin bakery. We support her choice in quality french pastry. 

@malevolent_teaparty snapped a 'gram of the tree bikini at OSDH. We guess trees need to be ready for summer too. Nice tan, though, Oak. Also, treekini. 

@malevolent_teaparty snapped a 'gram of the tree bikini at OSDH. We guess trees need to be ready for summer too. Nice tan, though, Oak. 

Also, treekini. 

@raecheljeanhaley had a Denton themed b-day party for her 2 year old this weekend. Search Instagram for #WeDenton2It for all sorts of Denton bday awesomeness. 

@raecheljeanhaley had a Denton themed b-day party for her 2 year old this weekend. Search Instagram for #WeDenton2It for all sorts of Denton bday awesomeness. 

The North Texas football team took on the Robson Ranch softball team in a friendly game over the weekend. Photo by @sarahanneadams . 

The North Texas football team took on the Robson Ranch softball team in a friendly game over the weekend. Photo by @sarahanneadams 

@tinyglowlife showed off her amazing @madelinewoodapparel skirt in true spring fashion. 

@tinyglowlife showed off her amazing @madelinewoodapparel skirt in true spring fashion. 

@gmathews99 caught up with the current sounds of Seryn at Dan's. 

@gmathews99 caught up with the current sounds of Seryn at Dan's. 

@joshpiers jammed to a little voltRevolt

@joshpiers jammed to a little voltRevolt

@taylorbunch_ enjoyed a little cinema on her Saturday. Complete with Mexican corn, Tremors and okay-good friends. We can't think of a better movie to sit on the ground and watch. Just cuddle up with your graboid and watch Kevin Bacon not age. 

@taylorbunch_ enjoyed a little cinema on her Saturday. Complete with Mexican corn, Tremors and okay-good friends. We can't think of a better movie to sit on the ground and watch. Just cuddle up with your graboid and watch Kevin Bacon not age. 

We loved our haul from Free Comic book day from Mor Fun Comics and Games. May be one of our favorite days of the year! 

We loved our haul from Free Comic book day from Mor Fun Comics and Games. May be one of our favorite days of the year! 

@xtiffanyyoungbloodx enjoyed a pancake bigger than her own face from Old West. We approve for sure of this breakfast decision. 

@xtiffanyyoungbloodx enjoyed a pancake bigger than her own face from Old West. We approve for sure of this breakfast decision. 

@wildflowerart is starting their beginning calligraphy class in Denton on May 31. Time to learn how to write pretty. 

@wildflowerart is starting their beginning calligraphy class in Denton on May 31. Time to learn how to write pretty. 


It's the Monday before Spring Break, Denton. Time for mid-terms, crazy weather and remembering James Franco looking like Riff Raff. Last week was kind of a blast if we try to forget the part about Sunday trying to make us reach for our tauntaun innards again. Read on to find out what you apparently have to flash to get beads in a Mardi Gras festival in Denton!

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Last year, there was much hullabaloo about closing Walnut St. off to cars and turning it into some sort of park/alley hybrid. While that's still up in the air, this past Friday, we got a preview of what it could be like for events. People in costumes, live music, food (including beignets and etoufee), family friendly activities, and dogs riding atop miniature donkeys filled Walnut St. for a Mardi Gras festival. We checked it out and had a blast. 

Mardi Gras on Walnut St. 

Collage 2.0 happened on Sunday at the Fine Arts building. Photo by Bryce Olcon. 

Collage 2.0 happened on Sunday at the Fine Arts building. Photo by Bryce Olcon. 

You can still purchase tickets for MTD's production of Spamalot for this upcoming weekend right here. Photo by Stefania K. 

You can still purchase tickets for MTD's production of Spamalot for this upcoming weekend right here. Photo by Stefania K

Sitting on the porch with some take home Royal's Bagels on a beautiful morning - sounds like our kind of Saturday. Photo by Sarah Lanette.  

Sitting on the porch with some take home Royal's Bagels on a beautiful morning - sounds like our kind of Saturday. Photo by Sarah Lanette.  

Recycled now carries all four of the major Denton coffee roasters. That, plus jazz records like always. 

Recycled now carries all four of the major Denton coffee roasters. That, plus jazz records like always. 

Saturday was nice. Like 80 degrees, sunny, sit in your hammock kind of nice. Photo by @ryfuhr. 

Saturday was nice. Like 80 degrees, sunny, sit in your hammock kind of nice. Photo by @ryfuhr. 

After Saturday's super nice weather, winter reared its ugly head again on Sunday as temps dipped into the teens and we all learned to love the term ThunderSleet. Many schools were delayed or canceled on Monday morning. Which we're sure means we'll see plenty of day off pics tagged with #wddi. 


Scrap really has everything you didn't even know that you needed. 

Scrap really has everything you didn't even know that you needed. 

...and if Scrap doesn't have it, the mini mall probably does. Photo by Raechel Jean Haley. 

...and if Scrap doesn't have it, the mini mall probably does. Photo by Raechel Jean Haley

DCTA FTW! Photo by Matt Kernan. 

DCTA FTW! Photo by Matt Kernan. 

The herbed parmesan fries at LSA get some major photo love. Photo by @Kokiri330. 

The herbed parmesan fries at LSA get some major photo love. Photo by @Kokiri330. 

A proposal from atop LSA. Photo by @DrCruz32. 

A proposal from atop LSA. Photo by @DrCruz32. 

One of our favorite mini-murals in town is this beef head on the side of Dan's Meat and Produce. 

One of our favorite mini-murals in town is this beef head on the side of Dan's Meat and Produce. 

"Not Actual Picture" What? Photo by Daniel Markham. 

"Not Actual Picture" What? Photo by Daniel Markham

...and we end with an excellent taco photo from Tiffany Youngblood. We recognize that table top... Until next week, have a great Monday!

...and we end with an excellent taco photo from Tiffany Youngblood. We recognize that table top... Until next week, have a great Monday!


Our buds over at Pan Ector moved out of their space on Piner St. They 
turned a normally humdrum event into a party complete with beer and plenty 
of T-shirt printing. Check out one of their awesome new Denton designs 
below. We hear that you'll be able to buy some from The DIME Store soon!

What the hell, Dentonites? Two days in which the temperature gauge goes above 70 and y'all turn into a bunch of drunks? I guess that's cool. We had margaritas, too. And I think there's a Denton stereotype about our collective penchant for booze and abnormally high alcohol-tolerance (we've seen some friends go five old(er) fashioneds deep at Paschall and not bat an eye (bye the way, that's approximately thirty minutes of drink prep for those five drinks if our math is correct). That said, there's a lot of pictures of booze below. So, if you're reading this on a Monday morning, you might get a bit jealous. Thanks again for tagging your weekend good times with #WDDI and we'll see you again next Monday with your Denton weekend adventures.

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Thanksgiving has come and gone. We're on to the big holiday rush already, y'all. Once we looked at our calendars we were shocked. The onslaught of holiday parties, gift exchanges and community events that are still left before 2014 gets here is astounding. Luckily it seems we were all able to get a little vacation in over the weekend before the crazy gets truly unleashed. Y'all certainly stayed busy about town!

Remember to tag your pics in your grams and tweets with #wddi to be included each week in possibly our favorite post of the week! 

Colorful carolers marked the last weekend of the Denton Community Market for 2013. Your Saturday mornings just got a lot less fun, y'all. Photo by Bryce Olcon. 

Colorful carolers marked the last weekend of the Denton Community Market for 2013. Your Saturday mornings just got a lot less fun, y'all. Photo by Bryce Olcon

DIME Handmade celebrated Small Business Saturday. 

DIME Handmade celebrated Small Business Saturday. 

We went over to our favorite slightly-poisoned park. It's probably one of the best spots in the city for hide and go seek. Especially if the Willis Library closes. 

We went over to our favorite slightly-poisoned park. It's probably one of the best spots in the city for hide and go seek. Especially if the Willis Library closes. 

Readers got down on some home cooked Thanksgiving goodness. Photo from Shaina Sheaff. 

Readers got down on some home cooked Thanksgiving goodness. Photo from Shaina Sheaff. 

Brunch at the Abbey Inn. Photo by Thorpe Griner. 

Brunch at the Abbey Inn. Photo by Thorpe Griner. 

Reader Paige got a few strikes (we hope) over at University Lanes. 

Reader Paige got a few strikes (we hope) over at University Lanes. 

WDDI readers just can't get enough of that view from the top of LSA. We aren't tired of it yet either. Photo by Ian Harbor. 

WDDI readers just can't get enough of that view from the top of LSA. We aren't tired of it yet either. Photo by Ian Harbor

Some of us got our Christmas decor up. 

Some of us got our Christmas decor up. 

Jazz at the Abbey Underground from Shaina Sheaff. 

Jazz at the Abbey Underground from Shaina Sheaff

Fabian Campos' took a nice pic of a cute new Dentonite. 

Fabian Campos' took a nice pic of a cute new Dentonite. 


Y'all take fun photos. All of those social network things you use were filled to the brim with photos of costumes we couldn't figure out and all of your beautiful faces. We liked 'em so much we had a hard time selecting which ones to include in our list. If you made it out to the Day of the Dead festival on Saturday, you know how awesome this weekend was. That, coupled with quite a few other events going on made for a great couple of days. Sadly, we haven't pigged out and taken photos of it for y'all in a while. You came to our rescue, though. Check out those food pics, Halloween shots and much more in the images below. And, as always, don't forget to include #WDDI in your photographs from week to week to be included in our Monday morning What We Did post. 

The coffin races get bigger and bigger every year both in the amount of racers and in the number of attendees/near-fatalities. We love it more than we ever could have imagined.
The coffin races get bigger and bigger every year both in the amount of racers and in the number of attendees/near-fatalities. We love it more than we ever could have imagined.
Lots of businesses and individuals got in this mix. T-minus 363 days until 2014 coffin races. We're planning our coffin now. Probably won't be Dr. Who related. If you were there, you know why. 

Lots of businesses and individuals got in this mix. T-minus 363 days until 2014 coffin races. We're planning our coffin now. Probably won't be Dr. Who related. If you were there, you know why. 

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Kimberly Flanagan snagged this awesome pic. Hopefully she remained unharmed. 

Kimberly Flanagan snagged this awesome pic. Hopefully she remained unharmed. 

Of course, there's more to Denton's Day of the Dead fest than just the coffin races (but does there need to be). Lots of folks in costumes (like the Ms. Frizzle pictured above), plenty of vendors and wonderful entertainment were all over. 

Of course, there's more to Denton's Day of the Dead fest than just the coffin races (but does there need to be). Lots of folks in costumes (like the Ms. Frizzle pictured above), plenty of vendors and wonderful entertainment were all over. 

We were wowed by the sheer make-up talent at play on many attendees faces. The intricate, Day of the Dead designs were beautiful and everywhere you looked like this photo from reader Veronica. 

We were wowed by the sheer make-up talent at play on many attendees faces. The intricate, Day of the Dead designs were beautiful and everywhere you looked like this photo from reader Veronica. 

Humans weren't the only ones that got to dress up. This sad weiner dog got to be encased in a hotdog costume. Naomi Wood loved it enough to 'gram it.  

Humans weren't the only ones that got to dress up. This sad weiner dog got to be encased in a hotdog costume. Naomi Wood loved it enough to 'gram it.  

Cirque Du Horror was once again happening inside Dan's Silverleaf. We interviewed David Pierce about it a couple of years ago and like what he had to say. Reader Deborah Nepal was one of the many to take part. 

Cirque Du Horror was once again happening inside Dan's Silverleaf. We interviewed David Pierce about it a couple of years ago and like what he had to say. Reader Deborah Nepal was one of the many to take part. 

Of course, there were enough activities for youngins thrown in that we could call the event "family friendly." 

Of course, there were enough activities for youngins thrown in that we could call the event "family friendly." 

day of the deadnew_2.jpg
The Day of the Dead fest wasn't the only thing happening this weekend. WDDI readers, being the food loving fatties that we all are got our fair share of eatin' in. Hutch snagged this shot of Crickle and Co.'s peanut butter cheesecake. 

The Day of the Dead fest wasn't the only thing happening this weekend. WDDI readers, being the food loving fatties that we all are got our fair share of eatin' in. Hutch snagged this shot of Crickle and Co.'s peanut butter cheesecake. 

Our buddy Michelle Bradley hit up brunch at Hannah's with some friends. Hannah's has been in What We Did a lot lately. Are they having a resurgence or is it a coincidence?  

Our buddy Michelle Bradley hit up brunch at Hannah's with some friends. Hannah's has been in What We Did a lot lately. Are they having a resurgence or is it a coincidence?  

Fix My Ride was an effort from the fine folks at Cross Timbers church to fix the automobiles of college students, single parents and others in need of repair but unable to pay. It was a resounding success and we will definitely let y'all know ASAP i…

Fix My Ride was an effort from the fine folks at Cross Timbers church to fix the automobiles of college students, single parents and others in need of repair but unable to pay. It was a resounding success and we will definitely let y'all know ASAP if they have another. You can help out, too. Click here to find out more. Pic from Bryce Olcon

If our schedule would let up a little, it would give us a chance to send our mascot, Glen Ferret, out to check out Dallas Comedy improv classes in Denton. Sarah Adams just makes them look so fun. 

If our schedule would let up a little, it would give us a chance to send our mascot, Glen Ferret, out to check out Dallas Comedy improv classes in Denton. Sarah Adams just makes them look so fun. 

Instagram video by @SundayPrintShop of Austere's shindig this weekend that we didn't get invited to. 

We also randomly stumbled across an OU/UNT quidditch match and were immediately sucked in by the game. It was surprisingly almost as violent as rugby. We caught on to the rules fairly quickly and can't wait to check out another game. More info here.…

We also randomly stumbled across an OU/UNT quidditch match and were immediately sucked in by the game. It was surprisingly almost as violent as rugby. We caught on to the rules fairly quickly and can't wait to check out another game. More info here

Reader Shaina Sheaff really dug UNT jazz professor, Stefan Karlsson's tunes last Thursday at Dan's.

Reader Shaina Sheaff really dug UNT jazz professor, Stefan Karlsson's tunes last Thursday at Dan's.


Summer in Denton is normally when the college kids leave and the town gets a little sleepy. That hasn't really proved true this summer, as we're still exhausted from all of the activity the last weekend of July had for us. We kicked off the weekend with the Creatives Mixer at the DIME Store organized by Maker Space. We chowed down on The Pickled Carrot, sipped on some new local beer, and chatted about creative commerce in our city. After that we hit up a few shows. You might have caught us peeking into the Ladies of Spiderweb Salon showcase at J&J's, checking out The Tissue Issue at Banter, or standing in line at the bar at Dan's. We got some great reader submissions this week, too. Keep it up, y'all. 

What did you do this weekend? Tag your tweets and instagrams with #WDDI and we'll include our favorites every week. 

We mixed and minged at the Maker Space and DIME Creatives Mixer. 

We mixed and minged at the Maker Space and DIME Creatives Mixer. 

Chatting with Heather Gregory, one of the Maker Space owners 

Chatting with Heather Gregory, one of the Maker Space owners 

We will gladly fill out surveys and info if it means more creative space in Denton.

We will gladly fill out surveys and info if it means more creative space in Denton.

Zero96 Brewing Co. kept us adequately hydrated with plentiful samples of their local ales. We really liked their Red Ale and are pumped to see what's next from these guys.

Zero96 Brewing Co. kept us adequately hydrated with plentiful samples of their local ales. We really liked their Red Ale and are pumped to see what's next from these guys.

The Ladies of Spiderweb Salon had an incredible show at J&J's on Friday evening. They shared stories through a myriad of mediums, and a portion of the proceeds went to the Denton Animal Shelter. Photo by Courtney Marie

The Ladies of Spiderweb Salon had an incredible show at J&J's on Friday evening. They shared stories through a myriad of mediums, and a portion of the proceeds went to the Denton Animal Shelter. Photo by Courtney Marie

J and J's basement was packed for the Ladies of Spiderweb Salon show. Photo by Courtney Marie

J and J's basement was packed for the Ladies of Spiderweb Salon show. Photo by Courtney Marie

The always lovely Jenny Seman of Shiny Around the Edges pounded her drum at the Spiderweb Salon show on Friday. Photo by Courtney Marie 

The always lovely Jenny Seman of Shiny Around the Edges pounded her drum at the Spiderweb Salon show on Friday. Photo by Courtney Marie 

We checked out Queenie's again this weekend and had an interesting experience. Review is forthcoming. 

We checked out Queenie's again this weekend and had an interesting experience. Review is forthcoming. 

Have you peeked into the construction going on at Lone Star Attitude on the square. The rooftop patio they're building seems to be coming along nicely. 

Have you peeked into the construction going on at Lone Star Attitude on the square. The rooftop patio they're building seems to be coming along nicely. 

Reader Rachel Merriman sent in this photo she took of the water tower in north Denton. #WDDI 

Reader Rachel Merriman sent in this photo she took of the water tower in north Denton. #WDDI 

Chambers opened for stalwarts Seryn at Dan's Friday night.

Chambers opened for stalwarts Seryn at Dan's Friday night.

Seryn played a sold-out show at Dan's. The line to get in was long, but worth it. 

Seryn played a sold-out show at Dan's. The line to get in was long, but worth it. 


We're soaking up as much of summer as possible. We're trying our darndest not to spend our days inside binge-watching BBC shows on Netflix. So far, there's been more than enough going on to keep us entertained. We haven't looked back and regretted a second so far. 

Between a Sarah Jaffe concert, a trip to the Denton Community Market and a day at the closest 'beach' to town the past few days have been pretty alright. We indulged in some tasty cocktails crafted to keep us cool and checked out a new food truck on the Denton scene. In addition, we spent some time working hard to introduce you to some talented Denton artists and tastemakers. Keep an eye out. The fruits of our labor will be up soon enough.

How about you? Did you have a great weekend, too? Don't forget to tag your 'grams with #wddi and we'll pick from our faves to add to our future posts. 


Saturday we headed over to the market and grabbed a bag of beans from the new Coffeewright roasters in town. We'll keep you updated with our thoughts on 'em!

Saturday we headed over to the market and grabbed a bag of beans from the new Coffeewright roasters in town. We'll keep you updated with our thoughts on 'em!

The special "adult" snow cones at The Green House this month didn't live up to our expectations. This is the Texas Picnic with watermelon, sour apple and Waterloo gin. It wasn't as good as it looks. 

The special "adult" snow cones at The Green House this month didn't live up to our expectations. This is the Texas Picnic with watermelon, sour apple and Waterloo gin. It wasn't as good as it looks. 

Thursday evening found a large crowd of Dentonites ignoring the heat on the square while dancing at Twilight Tunes. 

Thursday evening found a large crowd of Dentonites ignoring the heat on the square while dancing at Twilight Tunes. 

Denton is slowly but surely getting our fair share of food trucks. One of the newer ones, Kendrick's BBQ, was out at the Denton Community Market this past Saturday.  Have you had a chance to check them out yet? 

Denton is slowly but surely getting our fair share of food trucks. One of the newer ones, Kendrick's BBQ, was out at the Denton Community Market this past Saturday.  Have you had a chance to check them out yet? 

We did a little recipe testing and photo shooting with Thomas Paessler for a new cocktail recipe. 

We did a little recipe testing and photo shooting with Thomas Paessler for a new cocktail recipe. 

Getting that close up of our new favorite summer drink...

Getting that close up of our new favorite summer drink...

We headed into Kevin Roden's perfectly historic house for a living room show. 

We headed into Kevin Roden's perfectly historic house for a living room show. 

Picking up a summer ale from Midway Mart. 

Picking up a summer ale from Midway Mart. 

Sarah and Taylor having a drink with Kevin Roden pre-show. 

Sarah and Taylor having a drink with Kevin Roden pre-show. 

Sarah Jaffe told some really funny and touching stories and sang to a crowd of about 75 people in Kevin Roden's living room. 

Sarah Jaffe told some really funny and touching stories and sang to a crowd of about 75 people in Kevin Roden's living room. 

We spent a little bit of time poking around Mandy Hampton's workshop while she showed off her wood-working skills. 

We spent a little bit of time poking around Mandy Hampton's workshop while she showed off her wood-working skills. 

Be on the lookout for this talented artist's interview with us later this month. 

Be on the lookout for this talented artist's interview with us later this month. 

We spent a little time at the oh-so-close beach of lake Ray Roberts. 

We spent a little time at the oh-so-close beach of lake Ray Roberts. 

Kids and families were out building sandcastles and enjoying the perfect weather all day. 

Kids and families were out building sandcastles and enjoying the perfect weather all day. 

We still can't believe this place is just ten minutes out of town and $7. Totally worth it. 

We still can't believe this place is just ten minutes out of town and $7. Totally worth it.