Guys, we're sick of doing stuff. Can we just cancel all of the events for this next week and just chill at home? We still haven't finished season 2 of House of Cards and we constantly feel like a spoiler is around every corner. Oh well, we doubt you'll listen. You'll just keep doing stuff. This weekend was worth the exhaustion, though. We got to hang out with a bunch of people dressed like Minecraft characters, listen to ideas, drink a bunch of tequila and a whole lot more.
Thanks for tagging your photos with #WDDI. We always enjoy living vicariously through your photos. Have a great week, y'all.
The Denton Creatives Mixer: Idea Pitch Edition (we just came up with that title and we're gonna stick with it) was last Monday. Rubber Gloves was packed for the event and we don't think even a single person from ASCAP was there. We heard lots of great ideas. Some of our favorites included tax incentives for vertical expansion to combat urban sprawl, a mobile kitchen for nutritional education (SED is basically a food desert) and one for temporary art installations, but we'll have to concede a major bias on that front. We certainly hope that some hands were shook and that some of those ideas have taken off and are in the process of coming to life.
Rose Costumes is one of the coolest places you can visit in Denton. In fact, any time one of your friends or family members visits, it should be on your agenda. It might not look like much from the outside, but inside you'll find all sorts of cool stuff. Their newest room is dubbed The Circus Rossini and features a man-eating lion in a cage (among other things). They want you to stop by and submit a name for said lion. Do it.
Mouthwatering Wednesdays just finished up it's first seasonal run at the downtown DCTA station. We've been pretty happy with how well Denton's food trucks have integrated themselves into our everyday lives and we look forward to the next round of Mouthwatering Wednesdays and other opportunities we have to eat at The Pickled Carrot, Waffle Wagon, Lean Machine, Shiitake Swerve and others. Photo by Bryce Olcon.
So much local (and soon to be local) coffee! Photo by @dentonkate.
Dallas band (featuring ex-Dentonites), Bethan, played Dan's this past weekend. Here's lead singer, Jesse Hall. Photo by Corey Van Hunter.
Sarah Jaffe at Dan's Silverleaf. Photo by Corey Van Hunter.
Zach Ashcraft has been working on some UNT college of music portraits and we think they're just awesome.
Denton, we've heard tales that you sometimes steal copper mugs from bars around town. We're not sure what you do with 'em after that. Do you melt them down to make fake pennies? If so, that seems like a lot of work. Please stop. That way places like East Side Social Club can continue to serve us delicious Moscow mules in these lovely mugs. Photo by @jadewintersee.
Reader @mattyray likes his beer big and his ladies cute. We like the cut of his gib.
The DIME Store has your fix of Denton-related art. We're partial to the coasters, but once again; major bias.
UNT's Innovation Greenhouse had an awesome party last Friday complete with food trucks and family friendly activities. Photo by Naomi Wood.
More UNT Greenhouse fun. This time with Sunday Print Shop.
Austin Street Apothecary has been keeping our hands healthy this winter, too. We can't wait for their new products including a spring scene for their beard tonic. Photo by @kokiri330.
Hares on the Mountain at Dan's Silverleaf. Photo by Paige Gibson.
Saturday was "National Margarita Day," and while we normally hate fake holidays, who are we kidding? A town full of alcoholics is always going to embrace any reason to drink. Especially when said drinking involves tequila and limes on a beautifully sunny day. It also got us back into Mulberry St. Cantina when we hadn't been there in a while. And they drinks were delicious and the place looked nice. We wanna go back right now, actually? When is National Margarita Day Part 2?
Pictures on the square. Photo by @jesskachav.
Have y'all ever noticed this awesome statue at the Abbey Inn? We sure haven't. Photo by @hollyintexas.
Requisite taco photo from Shaina Sheaff. Tacos from El Taco Rico.