You can catch live music for free on any given night of the week in Denton. Did y'all know that? We always knew that in the back of our heads, but we didn't realize just how much of it there was. That is until we put together this (fairly) comprehensive list detailing tons of the various venues that you can catch some tunes for free in Denton or sign up to play at an open mic night. Believe us when we say there's something for everyone in here. Live music not your thing? Don't worry, we've got a few non-music cultural events of which you can partake in the list, too.
Aside from the sure-bets for live Denton music like Harvest House or LSA, we’ve picked some spots that tend to get overlooked. Here, then, is our handy dandy go-to WEEKLY WHAT-TA-DENTON-DO LIST when someone dares to wonder aloud, "What is there to do in town tonight?" Here's their answer...
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