Over the past week, we've been picking a few of our "can't miss" shows and events that are a part of this year's Oaktopia festival in Downtown Denton, TX. You can check out our Thursday or Friday coverage for events for those days. Saturday, however, is a beast of a day. Read below to check out Nathan Williams' coverage of what you should check out at Oaktopia this Saturday. 

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Denton's music scene ebbs and flows. Some years we pump out great new bands that are quickly embraced and other years go by without too many bands making a splash. 2014 was a little too slow for our tastes. We heard plenty of great local tunes, but none made as big of an impact as some of the bigger Denton bands from the past decade. Heck, Central Track even published an article last year calling the Denton music scene "in need of fixing." Were they actually as far off as we felt they were at the time? Maybe not. Denton is no stranger to the strong, local scene. There are always plenty of awesome, incestuous bands that share members and influence one another to create awesome music. The fact that many of the members of the Denton scene are often college students does present a bit of a problem. People come and go. Influencers move off to Brooklyn, Portland, Oakland, or back into their old bedrooms at their folks' and scenes die. That, or maybe we're just old and out of touch now. We do have heartburn now, after all. 

That said, things are looking up. 2015 looks to be a strong year for music in Denton. Last year, saw many interesting new bands in Denton beginning to play shows and release material. Let's take a quick look at what is making us excited about music in Denton in 2015. 

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