Every month we like to share a few Denton-centric videos that have been on our screens lately. Since this month saw the end of J and J's Ol' Dirty Basement (You can read our thoughts on the subject here), we would take a look back at a bit of a history of the space through video. Below you will find a few recent videos from J and J's final month (including Kim Nall and Matt Farmer) in addition to a bunch of videos dating all the way back to 1997 when that same space was actually a Mr. Gatti's Pizza. There's a video we produced a while back featuring Julian Lynch, a video of a Wee Beasties "Christmas Show" from 2003 (featuring a very young Richard Haskins), and even a low-quality recording of classic Denton band Jet Screamer in the same space that probably 70% of those of you that are reading these words have at one point stood and played music in at one point or another.
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