Have you ever been walking down the street minding your own business, only to find yourself gawking at someone not following our normal, everyday social constructs? Maybe it was a guy wrapped in burlap on a 101 degree summer day, meditating on Big Mike's front stoop. Or maybe it was a stilted unicyclist forging the uphill climb on Scripture Street. Max Quimby is one of those guys. His peculiar hobby is a balancing act, quite literally. Max has become somewhat of a local legend for balancing potted plants, pumpkins, or various small objects on his head whilst en route to his classes at the University of North Texas. Quimby is your quintessential non-conformist and affectionately assumed the identity of “your friendly neighborhood pothead,” a few years ago when he arrived in Little d. Puns aside, our intrigue got the best of us and we had to hear his side of the story as to how his balancing act got started. Read on for more...
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