Anshel Brusilow is not an official resident of Denton, but few commuters have had the impact that the Maestro has had on the city and the University of North Texas. In a recent event at the Murchison Center, the Maestro appeared with co-author Robin Underdahl to discuss their book, Shoot the Conductor: Too Close to Monteux, Szell, and Ormandy.

Talking in hushed tones that belie their excitement, the members of a diverse crowd of fans spread out amongst the cozy corners of one of the Murchison Center’s pristine rooms. Every now and then, a student or faculty member sneaks a glance over towards the door, only to be disappointed. Several moments of tangible anticipation pass before the Maestro enters.

Walking with an entourage that includes friends, his wife, and author Robin Underdahl, Maestro Anshel Brusilow turns every head as he surveys the room from floor to ceiling.

“Ah, yes, I remember this room. We had a lot of good rehearsals in here. Violent rehearsals.”

Chuckles are heard throughout the throng of admirers, and Maestro Brusilow grins from ear to ear. Click through to read about UNT legend, Anshel Brusilow, and how his return to discuss the his award-winning memoir and his “three lives.” 

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