With all of the various events going on in town, we know you can't make it to everything. You know what you can do, though? Check out the 18 great photos embedded below for today's edition of What We Did so you can pretend for a moment like you were there. 

The images below were shot in Denton and posted on Instagram in the past seven days. This week, we see scenes from Free Comics Day, the Denton Mudbug Boil, the Rebel Craft Rumble, and much more. And no, there are no photos of Matt Damon eating lunch on Hickory St. in Denton because that just didn't happen.

If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other awesome photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page.

Got a question about What We Did? Send it to will@wedentondoit.com

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Don’t know about y’all, but we’re still reeling from some of the sentiments expressed upon the stage at Dan’s Silverleaf during the Republican debate. So let's recap the whole thing and take another look at our candidates before casting our votes in the primaries (which start today). Read on to see how each of them handled the issues - because one of these three men is likely to be your next state representative.

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Early voting for the local general election started on Monday and is going on right now. The numbers aren't quite as strong as we'd like to see them be and we've chalked that up to y'all being scared. Maybe the general populous doesn't know what, exactly, they need to vote. We figured we'd counter that problem by making a video that documented not only the documents you need to vote, but also gratuitous butt shots of a denim-clad Glen Farris. Check below to find that video and a list of voting locations and times. 

​Video by Addison Day; Music by Telegraph Canyon


Early voting goes until ​Tuesday, May 7th at the following locations: 

  • Denton County Elections Administration - 701 Kimberly Dr.
    • April 29 - May 4, 8am to 5pm
    • May 6 and 7, 7am to 7pm


The actual election will be held on Saturday, May 11, from 7am to 7pm. Depending on your district (don't know which district you're in? Find out here. ) you will vote in the locations found below. Not sure who to vote for? We layed out our endorsements in the video, but you can decide for yourself by reading our interviews from the candidates of districts 123 and 4