3 SONGS: JULY 2016

Summer have you searching for new music perfect for driving on these long sunny days? The kind of songs which pair well with splitting a six pack of Armadillo Ale on the courthouse lawn with a good friend, or laying out, feet up, shades on, poolside at an apartment complex where none of your friends live, but there’s always someone swimming who knows your name? This month’s 3 Songs column brings you a trio of fresh, local tracks from Mah Kee Oh, Exit Glaciers and Pageantry which we’re confident will fill those summer cravings.

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3 Songs is a monthly music column where we highlight a few tunes from local bands we're digging at the moment . We don't know about y'all, but with winter dragging on and the cold keeping us from making it out to local shows, we find ourselves longing for sunny days, warm weather, and those sweaty, sweaty house shows. So this month, we're shining the light on a few of our favorite local singer-songwriters: Megan Storie, Brack Cantrell, and Claire Morales. 

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