New businesses, near-by beaches and punk rock music were all part of What We Did this weekend. What did you do? Remember to throw #WDDI on your 'grams to be included in our weekly post-weekend photo round-up!
Mulberry St. Cantina finally opened their doors. A few of us stopped in for some margaritas after some confusion regarding their hours. We hope to stop by again this week.
Mulberry St. Cantina's House Margarita (pictured) cooled us off after work on Friday. We also tried their Organic Margarita.
Besides Happy Campers, another great way to cool down at the Community Market is with one of Pawletta's delicious Mango Pops.
Some friends on the square happen to have a '63 Jaguar... you may have seen our own Glen Farris zipping around the square when they gave him the keys last Thursday night...
We've been spending Sunday's by the lake, with our toes in the sand and a picnic basket full of Community Market goodies.
Mike Wiebe of the High Tension Wires plays to the crowd at Rubber Gloves
Birthday Suits, thankfully not in their birthday suits, doing their thing at Rubber Gloves.
Two legends, Sonny Vincent and Daniel Fried, share the stage at Rubber Gloves