What We Did is our weekly roundup of a few of the best photos that have been tagged with #WDDI in the past week on Instagram. 

Below are 18 photos from the past seven days of life in Denton, TX. We ain't gonna lie; these photos heavily feature Arts and Jazz. That's mostly because that's what we all did last week, right? Aside from that, we've got some Twilight Tunes action, post-voting shots, and a scene from a Mario Kart 64 tournament.

If you'd like to be included in What We Did, tag your images with #WDDI on Instagram, and check back here next Monday. Search the hashtag #WDDI and check out all of the other photos that we were unable to include this week. Click the images below to be led back to the photographer's Instagram page where you can follow them and find that one weird photo of them dressed like a juggalo from four years ago. 

Got a question about What We Did? Send it to will@wedentondoit.com

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Arts and Jazz Festival is finally here and with that comes lots of fun, good music, fabulous art, and FOOD. All the food. But with all that fun going on it’s hard to remember the essentials that will make your festival experience stress-free and easy-going. So here you go! Check these babies off before heading to the festival to make sure you’re fully ready to party!

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Well, it's not Monday, sorry about that - but hey, we all had to recover from Jazz Fest, TEDxUNT, Twilight Tunes and a whole slew of events. Not to mention you guys left us with a massive pile of photos to compile afterwards. Not that we're complaining. We loved seeing all the things you documented over the weekend. It was like we were somehow able to take it all in just a little more. Now that we've officially kicked off spring and are headed straight into summer make sure to keep those pics a'coming full of the wonderful ways you're spending your days around the best little city in Texas. 

Tag those grams and tweets with #wddi to see them here weekly in our round up of local pics! 

Quite possibly the best landmark in the fest. Photo by Paige Gibson. 

Quite possibly the best landmark in the fest. Photo by Paige Gibson

People at Arts and Jazz

Photo of the crowd by @evie_marie. 

Photo of the crowd by @evie_marie

@hollyintexas caught her kid flyin' high over the festival grounds. 

@hollyintexas caught her kid flyin' high over the festival grounds. 

Food of Arts and Jazz

@lizkingyoga stocked up on new handmade accessories at the festival. 

@lizkingyoga stocked up on new handmade accessories at the festival. 

Performers at Arts and Jazz

In celebration of TEDxUNT @uccelloraro chowed down on some themed cupcakes. 

In celebration of TEDxUNT @uccelloraro chowed down on some themed cupcakes. 

@1000countsheets was super proud of the fibers department at the TEDxUNT talks. 

@1000countsheets was super proud of the fibers department at the TEDxUNT talks. 

@thelovelyhunter deemed her day on the square a pretty perfect one with this little guy in tow! 

@thelovelyhunter deemed her day on the square a pretty perfect one with this little guy in tow! 

Reppin' that Denton bar on a shirt - true Dentonite fashion. Way to represent @shainasheaffphoto. 

Reppin' that Denton bar on a shirt - true Dentonite fashion. Way to represent @shainasheaffphoto

Photo snapped by @thepinkantler on the DART to A-Train commute from Dallas to Denton. 

Photo snapped by @thepinkantler on the DART to A-Train commute from Dallas to Denton. 

This little billy goat made it all the way to Jazz Fest. Photo by @triciamarierollo

This little billy goat made it all the way to Jazz Fest. Photo by @triciamarierollo

@platformsandpeeps grabbed a few tacos and enjoyed the Hickory Street construction. 

@platformsandpeeps grabbed a few tacos and enjoyed the Hickory Street construction.