Keep Denton Beautiful's annual Redbud Festival is one of our favorite festivals in Denton. The Arbor Day celebration takes place every year at the Denton Civic Center and features music, classes, environmental information, food, a fashion show and plenty more (did we mention free baby trees?). The award-winning festival is now in its 24th year and keeps getting better and better. One of our favorite aspects of the festival is the TRASHion Fashion program which promotes creative reuse by creating "wearable art" out of materials that would otherwise have been discarded. Read on for more info on Redbud and a preview of this year's TRASHion Fashion designs!
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What would a smarter Denton look like?
UNT College of Information doctoral student Abdulrahman Habib thinks about this question a lot. Imagine being able to monitor your electricity usage in real time, he suggests. What about passing by a construction site and getting a notification on your phone telling you what the construction is for? These are just a couple of the ways that Habib envisions that open data could be used to make Denton a smart city. Open data can “help us learn from real data, not anecdotal evidence” and is “a very good way to engage with the city by not shouting and criticizing,” Habib says.
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As the sun bathes the city in summer light and 90-degree temps, you saunter over to the nearest polling place. The date is May 6th, and it's time to vote for your next city council representative. Read on for an in depth look into the folks that will be asking for your vote in May.
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TRASHion Fashion is an annual Denton program program that sees designers of all ages competing against one another to create wearable works of art made from recycled materials. This year marks the 6th anniversary of the award-winning program and is sure to be a hit. Read on for more information about how you can be a part of this year's TRASHion Fashion program.
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While many people across Denton, and the nation at large are still reeling at the election results - either way - we know that the most impactful thing we can do is get involved at the local level. Read on for what is happening in our own local political sphere - so that you can stay up to date, informed and involved.
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